Feed Backs For humanehosting.com!


New member
Hello there HD community!

I recently found we have such a section too which is very nice!

I will leave my website so I can gather feed backs for it!

My website is https://humanehosting.com

Feel free to report any bugs/not properly operating things as well.

Looking forward to your valuable feed backs and thanks in advance!
It's a dated looking website.
Plus your client area isn't integrated.

At least you have mobile integration, though.
@Harv45, why didn't you choose to get a premium template for your business? I find that people have become a lot more judgy over the looks of a web hosting company website and made it one of the key decision-making factors. You can find plenty of great designs on sites like ThemeForest and CreativeMarket.
@Harv45, why didn't you choose to get a premium template for your business? I find that people have become a lot more judgy over the looks of a web hosting company website and made it one of the key decision-making factors. You can find plenty of great designs on sites like ThemeForest and CreativeMarket.

Good question and while it understandable from your POV. My POV is a bit different...

As everyone knows getting your first "taste" of revenue takes PLENTY of time and efforts to boost. No matter how you boot it, it just fact of the internet.

With that said it makes little sense to me to "go all out" and instead upgrade "along with the business".

Just like how you may just rent a table with a simple banner. Before you rent a fully "armed" shop with all of it's fittings right? :)
From another community they mentioned to me that the color scheming was way off. I had adjusted for this (reload/clear cache if you don't see the changes).

Do let me know if it better than the old site. :)
i would change the logo in your clientarea from the default Blesta one at least.

also anyone purchasing hosting would like to know things like

how many emails accounts per plan
how many databases per account
can i add and park domains
can i have sub domains

you dont give this information
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i would change the logo in your clientarea from the default Blesta one at least.

also anyone purchasing hosting would like to know things like

how many emails accounts per plan
how many databases per account
can i add and park domains
can i have sub domains

you dont give this information

Currently we are on the branded licensing on Blesta so I will consider upgrading to unbranded so I am able to do this per EULA.

As for the details, where would visitors look for these? As it seems to me I didn't highlighted them in the correct location(s).

Would be putting them on the plans page explaining these works? As well as putting them on the plan selection page of Blesta?

Thank you in advance!
Currently we are on the branded licensing on Blesta so I will consider upgrading to unbranded so I am able to do this per EULA.

As for the details, where would visitors look for these? As it seems to me I didn't highlighted them in the correct location(s).

Would be putting them on the plans page explaining these works? As well as putting them on the plan selection page of Blesta?

Thank you in advance!

on this page https://humanehosting.com/plans.html you should list such things as i mentioned rather than just the space and bandwidth

re blesta yes branded you have to keep 'Powered by Blesta, © Phillips Data, Inc.' but at the top replace the blesta logo with your own or spend a little with Paul at http://blestaintegrations.com/
on this page https://humanehosting.com/plans.html you should list such things as i mentioned rather than just the space and bandwidth

re blesta yes branded you have to keep 'Powered by Blesta, © Phillips Data, Inc.' but at the top replace the blesta logo with your own or spend a little with Paul at http://blestaintegrations.com/

I see thank you for clarifying. This had been updated both on https://humanehosting.com/plans.html and in the plans selection page of my Blesta back end.

I will focus on what I am able to accomplish now like what I just did. Then reinvest in a logo and integration services by using up the first profits that come in. :)

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