Common Sense Security


HD Moderator
Staff member
I can’t emphasize this enough – your data is your business. Lose your data and you risk losing your business! I recently read about a company losing it's data and clients, even though their provider advertised four layers of backup, including one offsite. Murphy's Law more often than not will leap out and snatch your data when you're least prepared.

Your thoughts on how to be best prepared in today's online world ...
Rule #1 - never take someone else's word, always test and prove it yourself!

I read similar articles where people lose everything and they thought they had backups, or someone said they were doing backups. Sadly, the only response you'll get from those places is "oh, we're really sorry" and then they move on with their day. Even if there was legal recourse, you're still out of business!

At the end of the day, your business is your responsibility. Backups in multiple places are required. Whether that's for a website, billing system, pictures, copies of passports/licenses etc - a backup should always be made and stored off-site in another location.

These days, I have backups of external SSD drives, Dropbox, Google Drive, my computer and the hosting server itself. Am I paranoid? Maybe. Am I prepared? Definitely!
I lost a lot of my personal stuff to ransomware so I've experienced first hand what's its like to loose data. Thankfully not business related.
I backup my personal and business stuff directly to an inhouse server and then i manually copy it to an offline server in house. Both servers are raided and get backed up manually on a regular basis.
I work in a computer repair shop and see it first hand ever day with customers who don't have backups and then are in tears because they've lost personal photos. I can't stress it enough to backup you stuff.
Not just business's but clients as well.

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