Can you explain what a server is?

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Hi my grandfather asked me the other day what a server was and I said:
-,well a server is a computer that uses certain computing languages that can achieve certain tasks of very diferent kind and I used some examples like selling virtualservers,routing services,host pages amongst few.

Well the question here is if you can tell me on your own words what a server is,Ill be glad to hear from you,you know I had this computer specialist that was telling me about a console but he still couldnt explain what a console was..Ok Im not meaning this as a challenge but....

Can you please tell me what a server is?

..on ur opinion,...
your own words remember like a brave confession dont start using ur dictionary or wiki or ull be off topic
Spoken like someone that knows just enough to be dangerous, or to impress someone that knows even less. All your granpappy needs to know is a server is a computer that provides files and services to other computers (called clients).
More simple, a server can be any mechanism that controls the working of other similar machines. To be more specific on computer servers, it a machine that serves other machines in a network.
Yeah is a mechanism or machine like rh-calvin says but that can fairly be defined as computer
Well with servers ranging from physical and virtual I would describe a server as a dedicated computer or software platform for resource management.
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It sure can be hard to describe to someone that is not familiar with networking.

Ask him to think of the internet as the world's biggest library, and a server would be a book in that library that holds information.
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Can you please tell me what a server is?

..on ur opinion,...

According to me, server is a computing device on a network that manages network resources and provide specific services to the reqester(client). Examples of servers are web server, database server, mail server etc.
Beautifull arquitecture Limestone LSN,other way of putting it pingpipe very literal,is interesting
4D Hosting ye they all manage resources might it be a student or a large company.

Ye twhdir sometimes the resource can be a single service like a mailing server with no other
task but that.

Is ok TheInternets but it can also be a handler and be subordinate of tasks repeat tasks and
be a slave too


Server provides centralized access of network resources to the clients.

e.g. A printer server accepts print jobs from clients, stores them in a queue and sends them by order, over to the printer to print.

4D Hosting

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