Can Unlimited Hosting be possible in the Near Future?

I really dont think it can, I am wondering now.... I do think that near future you can have more than 1 hard drive, Im not to good with the soft ware and servers, Im new like 2 months into the web hosting industry can someone tell me is that available now? You can have more than one HDD on a server?
Of course it can't.
I'm a physical impossibility.

Unless they come up of a way of changing the physics of our world there will never be unlimited anything.
Yes, I new that, Buy what about the more than one HDD thing? Can you have more than one HDD on a server? Im not talking about having 2 servers im talking about having 2 Hard Drives on one server.
Companies that offer unlimited space and bandwidth now are deceiving people. There is no such thing as unlimited space and bandwidth. If you see a company offering that, you should stay away. Choosing a honest host will give you better results and better service.
With regards to having more hard drives on a computer than just one, yes it's possible. We have a NAS storage with 50 drives in it, which of course means a TON of space, but there's still a maximum amount. 50x250GB = 12.5TB, but it's still a limit.

As for the Original Poster. You stated "It isn't possible Right now,but can It be possible in the Near future?" - why is it not possible right now? Wouldn't those same reasons as to why it isn't possible NOW also hold true for why it's not possible in th future?

Unlimited is a myth. There ARE places that say unlimited disk and bandwidth but what they mean to say is "all you can use". Be aware that the moment you start to get a popular site and taking a lot of bandwidth and resources, they WILL shut you down for "abuse of resources". So unlimited really NEVER will exist.

Check that thread out, After reading all of that then you'll know if unlimited is real or fake, Just like this
My example ::

Its simple all they do is put unlimited as your Disk or Bandwidth but not really it looks like unlimited for you.

BUt really all you are doing is like sharing Disk and Bandwidth with others like on the providers cpanel or what ever there its like for example lets say:

Disk Space: 50000(50BG)/100000(100GB)
Then when they go over its like
Disk Space: 100000(100BG)/100000(100GB)

Disk Space: 120000(120BG)/100000(100GB)
^^ See they went over..

But for you it could be like to little circles witch means unlimited but it really isnt.
Even with "unlimited" cellphone plans, there's a limit: the number of minutes in a given month sets the limit. However, cellphone companies use the "unlimited" word because consumers go ga-ga over it; and because listng "10800 minutes' use cap per 30-day period" seems kind of silly. Cellphones don't track bandwidth or disk space usage; they track the number of minutes a given service is used. Thus, they're getting away with semantic trickery. (I would LOVE to see someone use their cellphone, with its unlimited plan, for every minute of a given month for several months running and see if their provider doesn't try to shut them down.)

You can say you've got unlimited hosting today. Plenty of hosts do, because they know that most users won't use anywhere near the gigantic amounts that people seem to look for. But the first time that an "unlimited" web host shuts down a client because that client has used an inordinate amount of disk space or bandwidth, they've just lied to their entire client base: they said "unlimited" but the first time someone actually tries to use a petabyte of disk space and three terabytes of bandwidth, they're likely to be shut down if they're on one of the cheaper "unlimited" hosting plans.

Now if a web host charges $200 a month for a truly unlimited shared web hosting plan (ie, someone could actually really use close to a petabyte of disk storage space and several terabytes of bandwidth in a given month) and has the capacity to loadbalance so that their other clients would not be adversely affected when people do actually use a gargantuan amount of resources...well, then, those hosts might have the right to call such plans "unlimited". Thing is, not too many people will pay $200 a month for any shared web hosting plan. A managed server? Yeah, sure - even more than $200, depending on server specs. But pay $200 a month for a shared hosting plan, even one that was truly unlimited? I don't know how many consumers would go for that.
Well, if you have lets say 50 people on a server that pay $200.00 a month for 350GB space, 750GB bandwidth; that is $10.000 a month right there. The host could pull it off. But really, who is gunna pay 200$+ for a shared server when their better off buying a dedicated server?
by looking the current technology imporvement to day, may be some day, a software or technology can make it.i can see possibility for host to offer unlimited bandwith.

but for now, it is just not yet!
It is impossible to believe

Hello folks,

it is practically impossible to believe unlimited hosting i have changed atleast 4 providers until i found one host who really cares about his customer u can check it out at www.****************.com

i wish you luck in finding unlimited hosting :)

thanks dastagir
None of us here believe in unlimited hosting, we were just discussing the possibility of someday having hard drives that could vertually be unllimited.

Also, your post looks like an advertisement.
Unlimited to me only raises a red flag and makes me ask the question "Just how oversold is this?" -- the "Unlimited" marketing trick may get new sign ups but how well is the service sustained? What happens when a client starts using too much bandwidth or disk space on their so called unlimited plan? They get the plug pulled or forced to upgrade to what? Another unlimited plan that costs more money each month?

Is it possible in the future? Not unless there is a major breakthrough. My guess is that costs will go UP much like gasoline has.
There is a limitation to the speed of light - I believe 186,000 miles per second. I think a realm of possibly exists to approach the perception of unlimited space and bandwidth, even if not realistically physically possible. Look where we were less than 30 years ago. I'm excited about the technological possibilities of the next ten to twenty years.

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