Best ROI on advertising?


New member
Where do you advertise your website?
I was looking at google adwords but unless you have a niche the general hosting keywords cost a fortune.
I am also on most of the free directories, so now i want some paid advertising but obviously i don't want to be throwing my money away.
From the many posts I have read on this topic, the seasoned hosts have always recommended spending money on local advertising.

Normally it's left at that.

I did a little more probing to get some more info from them :) and they suggested local areas such as classifieds, newspapers, magazines, local businesses, etc.

I'm not concentrating on hosting just yet (I'm doing web development and only hosting clients so far) but business has been slow lately and I'm considering doing this for my web development business and possibly just visiting several businesses in my area in person and inquiring about their needs.

Might be worth a shot.
You may have already done this, but do a search here on "advertising" and you spend the next day or two running through the relevant posts. Pay particular attention to the posts of some of the hosts you know have been successful, and you will learn a considerable amount about successful advertising.
Doesn't really worry me at all. If I wrote an in depth thesis on a topic, then I wouldn't be happy at all.

And besides, i've been meaning to register here for a while, so this just gave me the incentive.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Either that or it's just someone trying to generate business by trying to make people think he knows what he's talking about.
Blue said:
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Very true. About the only time this doesn't apply is when someone rips your website. I certainly don't find that flattering at all.
Blue said:
Either that or it's just someone trying to generate business by trying to make people think he knows what he's talking about.

that sounds more likely to be.. hehe

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