What is your take on ChatGPT and BARD


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I'm reading discussion today that some SEO vendors are panic selling their sites due to the release of AI search. Personally, I don't get their reasoning. Savvy SEO providers should be able to use this to their advantage. Your thoughts?
I haven't tested BARD yet, but ChatGPT and other variations of the GPT system have been amazing to play with.

I can see how some SEOs are freaking out - heck, this week WIX released an update that allows people to create a site, and with a click of a button it will write the text for their site based on their industry, complete with Title and Description meta tags.

Does that mean there's nothing to do? Of course not. How accurate will the text really be? But it's a good start for many.

For me, I'm not in the panic mode; I'm very much in the "wow, this is cool" phase of things. I've been able to speed up some of my SEO processes (keyword research, discovery, siloing content, etc), but I'm also not just blanket copy and paste content either.

I had a post here maybe two years ago about an AI tool I was testing to write content - I still use it. - https://hostingdiscussion.com/threa...-a-fully-automated-post-check-this-out.79342/

AI has been with us for a long time, but what ChatGPT has done with it is pretty awesome. It's still getting things wrong, it's only as good as what it was trained on, but it's been pretty good.

From a PHP function programing end, it's been pretty great too - I've written out a handful of plugins that only needed minor tweaking after the code it dumped out. Now THAT is a real time saver!
I've been testing ChatGPT myself and agree it's pretty amazing. It takes some tweaking, but overall it's saved me a ton of time in my latest project.
I've had pretty much the same experience with ChatGPT. I had it create a PHP app 4 different times and each time it gave me varying code that none of which were 100% correct, but definitely gave a head start that was way ahead of starting from scratch.

Definitely a time saver!
I am impressed with ChatGPT and I think it's going to make a lot of companies and people sweat. I've played with it primarily in the scope of media, asking it to write a news article on Subject A or Subject B.

It did the job in a rather generic way. Yes, it sounds like an article but has so many words and general blabbing that it is obvious a professional writer (or any well versed human) could not have written it.
I am impressed with ChatGPT and I think it's going to make a lot of companies and people sweat. I've played with it primarily in the scope of media, asking it to write a news article on Subject A or Subject B.

It did the job in a rather generic way. Yes, it sounds like an article but has so many words and general blabbing that it is obvious a professional writer (or any well versed human) could not have written it.
I have seen many threads opened on so many forums recently that were obviously written by AI that I totally agree. Just a bunch of incoherent rambling with no real meaning or point is a dead giveaway.
I have seen many threads opened on so many forums recently that were obviously written by AI that I totally agree. Just a bunch of incoherent rambling with no real meaning or point is a dead giveaway.

Oh, I don't know. A lot of forums were filled with those long before ChatGPT became a big thing :)
I am unsure about those Vendors because ChatGPT or any other AI tool can not replace Human-generated content. Google has strong algorithms for search engines and SEO people are somehow able to pass the things and rank their websites.

Because they understand the Parameter and the structure of Algo and same goes with ChatGPT
Regarding the panic selling of SEO sites due to the release of AI search, I would say that it's important to keep in mind that AI search is still in its early stages and is not likely to replace traditional SEO practices anytime soon. While AI search may have some impact on SEO, there is no reason for SEO vendors to panic or sell their sites. In fact, savvy SEO providers can use AI search to their advantage by staying up-to-date on the latest developments and incorporating AI-powered tools into their strategies.

Ultimately, AI search is just one tool in the SEO toolkit, and SEO vendors who are able to adapt and evolve alongside new technologies like AI are likely to be the most successful in the long run.