Shared Hosting account needed

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Hello everyone,

I am helping an ex client of mine find a reliable shared account. She really needs at least semi-managed hosting and I simply don't have the time nor man power to meet her needs at this time.

Her current account usage is: Disk Usage: 20 MB, Disk Limit: 10000 MB, 0% Used :: BW Usage: 20 MB, BW Limit: 51200 MB, 0% Used

As you can see, she really doesn't use much.

She needs a shopping cart. It doesn't matter which one long as it's easy for her to add new products. Basically, she needs the host to install it, secure it, and keep it up to date. This is why I say she needs at least semi-managed. She knows nothing at all about web hosting and installing software.

She makes her own blankets and such, which this website is used to sell them. There are NO issues nor worries of copyright.

I was charging $54.95/yr for this account.

Please post your best offers. I am not setting a budget as in the end, she will be deciding on the best price and plan.

She does own the domain but will need an SSL

Gate2vn: The $54.95 included everything. I was running a promotion at the time she signed up. She is willing to pay more though. This did not include any type of management. I installed the cart, edited the main text (as a favor to her), and she did the rest.

Energizedit: Her site was running OSCommerce
Hello everyone,

I am helping an ex client of mine find a reliable shared account. She really needs at least semi-managed hosting and I simply don't have the time nor man power to meet her needs at this time.

Her current account usage is: Disk Usage: 20 MB, Disk Limit: 10000 MB, 0% Used :: BW Usage: 20 MB, BW Limit: 51200 MB, 0% Used

As you can see, she really doesn't use much.

She needs a shopping cart. It doesn't matter which one long as it's easy for her to add new products. Basically, she needs the host to install it, secure it, and keep it up to date. This is why I say she needs at least semi-managed. She knows nothing at all about web hosting and installing software.

She makes her own blankets and such, which this website is used to sell them. There are NO issues nor worries of copyright.

I was charging $54.95/yr for this account.

Please post your best offers. I am not setting a budget as in the end, she will be deciding on the best price and plan.

She does own the domain but will need an SSL


i find this strange that her disc usage and b/w usage are exactly the same

Disk Usage: 20 MB, Disk Limit: 10000 MB, 0% Used :: BW Usage: 20 MB, BW Limit: 51200 MB, 0% Used
I thought it was a bit strange as well but I pasted it as it was. That was at the time the account was canceled on January 22nd.
Hi Jerry, would be happy to take care of your ex-client's needs for you on this project. :) Here's what we can offer her:

You say she currently uses 20MB of disk space and 20MB of bandwidth, so I think our Starter Plan would suffice for now (no sense in spending more than you need to).

Starter Plan - Sign Up For $1.99 Per Month! (Annual Billing Term)
If she were to pre-pay for 12 months + order a dedicated IP the total would be $55.88 USD.. If she uses the promo code "HD25off" (without the quotes) during the order process the total price would be $49.91 USD (recurring). And since you're a member of Hosting Discussion and are in need of help, I will add the SSL certificate and install it for her, free of charge. :):thumbup:

I'm more experienced using OsCommerce and ZenCart than with any other shopping cart systems out there right now so providing personal one-on-one basic support for these scripts and performing minor tasks such as occasionally adding a product or installing a theme for her would not be a problem.

As matter of fact we already provide a very similar service to many other clients through our E-book Store Offer (mods please remove link if I'm breaking any rules!). Basically we install a ZenCart store (most use OsCommerce) installation for our clients that is pre-installed with a few hundred E-books, and provide semi-managed services and support for their E-book stores. So, I'm confident that she will be more than happy with our services. :)

If you have any questions, concerns or need assistance :help:, please feel free to use the Pre-Sales Contact Form to contact us. You can also read through our most Frequently Asked Questions and get instant help!
My entry level plan:

Web Space 1 GB

Web Space 1 GB

cPanel Latest


Cloud Powered

MySQL Databases 1

Email Accounts 1

Nightly Backups

All for 12.95 a year.

...and yes, I'd make her a commerce cart.
My entry level plan:

Web Space 1 GB

Web Space 1 GB

cPanel Latest


Cloud Powered

MySQL Databases 1

Email Accounts 1

Nightly Backups

All for 12.95 a year.

...and yes, I'd make her a commerce cart.

what about Dedicated IP and SSL certificate, you could not include these in your 12.95 a year
what about Dedicated IP and SSL certificate, you could not include these in your 12.95 a year

why would she need dedicated IP for? Is it a requirement for Commerce or something? Sorry, didn't see the SSL stuff. my bad. :shocked:

I have 3 different blogs running here, and no dedicated IP's.
why would she need dedicated IP for? Is it a requirement for Commerce or something? Sorry, didn't see the SSL stuff. my bad. :shocked:

I have 3 different blogs running here, and no dedicated IP's.

you dont need a dedicated IP or ssl for a blog but you do for an ecommerce website
Hi Jerry,

I believe that HostingV2 can provide the service at the most economical prices. We can offer the following which I believe is more than enough for your client's needs.

Peasant Plan
500MB Disk Space
5000MB Bandwidth
Host Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Emails/SQL/FTP etc.

Dedicated IP Address = $36/year
Dedicated IP Address + PositiveSSL = $40/year

I'm willing to offer our Peasant plan along with dedicated IP address and PositiveSSL certificate for a grand total of $42/year, which is a $6 savings from our usual price.

Email if you would like to proceed. :)

Hello everyone,

I just want to thank everyone for their time and offers. She has found a company that she feels will work out for her. If this changes, we'll be back for more offers.

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