Looking to rent a dedicated box on a DSL/Cable/Mobile Broadband connection.

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NOTE: This is for US residents ONLY!

I'm looking to rent your US Windows XP computer. The computer should have a direct connection to some form of broadband internet (direct connection not router).

I'll access this computer that's dedicated to me via remote desktop (which comes with windows).

I don't want to disrupt your normal browsing experience, so I would prefer to use a separate internet connection from the other users of the house.

I'm looking to have a long term win-win relationship here, so if buying/digging up an unused computer and/or getting a new internet line is available as an option to you, it would definitely be well worth the investment.

I will pay you monthly via Paypal for the dedicated access.

For all of you who are interested, please PM with your residing US city and state, as well as an offer for a price that you think would be fair (monthly payment). Please, remember, this offer is for US RESIDENTS ONLY.

Note, the ISP should provide a dynamic IP (most dsl/cable/broadband isps do unless you specifically ask for a static one). This is nothing illegal and I would have no problem having the admin monitor what the box is used for. If you require more details about what I will be doing on the box feel free to PM me and I will explain it to you. Again this involves nothing illegal or illicit.

Thank you!

P.S. - I would need to test the computer and the setup to make sure that it works for what I'm looking to accomplish, before I put down any financial investment.
Why Not A Hosting Company

Why would you want to locate in a private home? I can't think of any application that would not be better in a true data center.
Wouldn't you want to run this type of thing in a top tier datacenter? With a static IP? Something traceable?

Can you explain what your doing here publically?
There's so much of this post that screams security issues not to mention potential issues with ISPs.

What kind of bandwidth are you pushing through the connection? Will the computer be used by the general public also, or is it operating a program on the machine that is calling out?

Setting up a computer that is outside of the DMZ is one thing, but when it comes to exposing the broadband used by an individual, if there IS any activity that takes place it's the user that suffers the legal charges, disconnection from teh ISP and potential blacklist from the ISP for future connections.

So, I think more information needs to be disclosed on exactly what the system is being used for. I can think of a number of things from emailing, blackhat SEO, public FTP sites, warez (of course), hacking, dDOS attacks, etc etc. Of course it could be something as simple as SETI :)

I really don't see why any LEGIT project that you are running is not operating out of a secured data center that can provide the bandwidth and connectivity that you need.

As they say - buyer beware!
ok guys, here goes. I'll try to address all the issues brought up here to clear up any doubt/confusion.

Most home connections are sufficient enough to do what I need, I don't need high bandwidth or high processing power, I simply will be turning this machine into a simple proxy server, so I can use a US ip address while browsing the internet. The reason for the home connection/ISP is for the dynamic IP, so I can change it when needed (by changing the mac address). Are there datacenters that will provide me with a dynamic IP that can facilitate this? If so I'll be glad to sign up today!

This connection will be used solely by me, and not for public use, and will not have any kind of illegal file sharing or illegal use of any kind.

Yes, there may be ISPs that have an issue with this, but I won't be setting off any kind of red flags as I won't be doing anything illegal or suspicious, so I highly doubt any kind of ISP inquiry to you from the box.

I am skeptical as to disclosing the exact use of the box/changeable IPs here as it is somewhat pertinent to my business operation and I would request to keep it confidential, but by that I mean simply PM me if you are able to provide the service and I will explain in great detail what I will be doing exactly. Again, I am confident you won't find anything wrong with my intentions and the reason I need this.

The reason I simply cannot do this myself is I'm currently in Thailand for the next 6 months, and I didn't realize not being from a US IP can lock me out of so many important things I need to be doing on a regular basis. If I would have known this before I left, I would have setup infrastructure for this myself at my home before leaving.

Again, if you have any questions about my intentions and usage of the box I will be glad to explain it through PM.

If anyone has any other questions please feel free to ask.

... Are there datacenters that will provide me with a dynamic IP that can facilitate this? If so I'll be glad to sign up today!...

Surely just a VPS / remote desktop would do this. Most providers would give you at least a handful of IP's so that would surely be adequate?
There are a number of Proxy services that can facilitate what you're looking to do - many free, and some paid. Here's the big problem that I have, and you hit the nail on the head when you confirmed with a Proxy Setting - using a proxy you are basically taking that users IP number and leaves that user responsible for actions.

Too many times (as a hosting company) we see people trying to setup hosting accounts from proxy services. This would be an easy way to gather a number of IPs from various parts of the country to use in later phising or fraud scams. Again, I'm not saying that this is what you're doing (you clearly state what you're doing is NOT illegal), but from a system admin's perspective, it leaves a lot of exposure.

I did a quick search in google for "Anonymous proxy Thailand" and also for "anonymous surf thailand" and came up with a number of different sites that service that country. One particular article which may be of help to you is:


Strangely enough, I have a friend that travels from England to Thailand about every 2 or 3 months and she also has a hosting account with us, so we have discussed this particular issue many times with various sites being blocked by the Ministers etc. Thankfully none of her hosted sites are blocked for her, but there is a lot of things that can be blocked as part of their censorship efforts.

I'll see if she can offer any other potential solutions that she uses and pass them along to you.
If you want to see the current list of blocked sites in Thailand - and for more information go to here Thailand Internet Censorship
The two links on the site you linked, Conor, do not work or provide no info. Certainly, censorship is alive and well in Thailand.
Wow - well that was quick. They were working just yesterday when I tested. I did a hunt, and on Wikipedia they provide a few solutions.

Quote from Wikipedia regarding Internet Censorship:

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Minister has said in an interview in the Bangkok Post that he has not blocked these methods because "using proxies to access illegal sites are illegal, whereas using proxies to access legal sites is legal."

Under the "Software" section, there are a few links to various proxy sites: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_Thailand

Seems like other lists that were on the web that I viewed last night are no longer working either.
So here's the deal these guyz post ads on craigslist for which they need local IP. A dedicated server in a colo would be costly and they would be instantly banned and cannot get new ip's from host. On a residential connection they just reboot the modem and voila you have a new ip and ready to spam craigslist again.
You would have to be bag of hair stupid to enter into this kind of agreement.
What is the OP us using it to distribute child porn?
Who do you think the Feds are going to come after?
My wife owns a salon as well.
Actually I heard the phrase "dumber than a bag of hair" on an episode of Law and Order about 12 years ago. It just stuck with me.
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