

Anyone else using twitter? If so add me

But that is not what I am posting this..My question is does twitter work for you? What I mean by that is it helping you build good traffic towards your site and does it help with relations between you and your clients? Do your clients use it to stay up-to-date?

Replies welcomed :p
Followed you.
I just recently joined. Not many of my clients are on. I placed a status script on my site, so I guess I do have some plans for it. It's more of a "how today is going/went" type of thing for me. If you've got enough of your customers following you I guess it could be a good tool for broadcast info, but I wouldn't depend on it too much. I think it's more of a trend & will ultimately die down a bit.
Well, I am hoping to to have that as a good resource for my clients incase there should be any downtime twitter is there to have updates, what is happening, etc. Also, having promotions n stuff on there as well for clients and anyone else viewing my page will help FH out as well.
What I am still trying to understand is what value Twitter gives me as a person?

LinkedIn gives me professional contacts.
Facebook helps with social contact management.
And I barely have the time for these two already.
I have a facebook but I don't use it. Facebook for me seems like a lost cuase. Facebook is slowly loosing advertisers and myspace is just dominating the social comminuties.

But, Twitter is starting to dominate now. Few months ago I did not know what twitter everyone does. My cousins, friends, friends on the net, everyone kept yelling at me for not having a twitter account lol So, it might not last, but for right now it is kicking some serious a$$.
What I am still trying to understand is what value Twitter gives me as a person?

LinkedIn gives me professional contacts.
Facebook helps with social contact management.
And I barely have the time for these two already.
Same here ... at the moment, Twitter is way down on my list. I don't know how much more I can multi-task (only so many hours in one day) - so it becomes a matter of priorities.
We use twitter for one of the free hosts we bought and I struggle to understand why we use it! Outages etc are on our forums and support area etc... It's a nice gimmic, but cant see its long term use
I don't know how much more I can multi-task (only so many hours in one day) - so it becomes a matter of priorities.
For me its not really about multi-tasking or finding the time for Twitter. I want to know why would anyone be interested in what I am doing at any given time, nor why would anyone want to share that empty and valueless info? Sounds like a complete waste of time to me.

The other night at a private social event, I am talking to someone and the guy distracts on his stupid phone every 2 minutes. Apparently he was "twitting" back about what was going on... I mean my God... :crash:
For me its not really about multi-tasking or finding the time for Twitter. I want to know why would anyone be interested in what I am doing at any given time, nor why would anyone want to share that empty and valueless info? Sounds like a complete waste of time to me.

The other night at a private social event, I am talking to someone and the guy distracts on his stupid phone every 2 minutes. Apparently he was "twitting" back about what was going on... I mean my God... :crash:
just sounds like a twitt ... :)
Well, twitter has its advantages and its disadvantages I guess. Only time will tell if it actually becomes a necessary thing for your business.
Well, twitter has its advantages and its disadvantages I guess. Only time will tell if it actually becomes a necessary thing for your business.

I don't think I'll ever make is a necessary thing for my business. As said before, I just don't understand what it does for me. Face book for me is just a personal thing, lots of personal contacts on there, but I wouldn't use it for business. Myspace isn't really doing anything for me. For the most part I'm not too much into these sites. You'll see me on forums, and if you need to get in touch with me you know how. That's it.
I like to use Twitter to post special offers and brief updates; however, I am definitely not getting into it like some of the industry is.

I guess if you had 8k followers and they were purchasing 30% of your monthly sales it would make sense. I still have thing called newsletters and a telephone. If someone wants to know what I'm doing, they call me.
I like to use Twitter to post special offers and brief updates; however, I am definitely not getting into it like some of the industry is.

I guess if you had 8k followers and they were purchasing 30% of your monthly sales it would make sense. I still have thing called newsletters and a telephone. If someone wants to know what I'm doing, they call me.

exactly. If you have a lot of followers and that brings you some decent sales then it is a good thing. But, it is up to the person anyways. Some people can use it to their benefit, some can't or just want to use it for themselves.
I guess if you had 8k followers and they were purchasing 30% of your monthly sales it would make sense.
Perfectly making sense, except that there are two things to keep in mind:
1. There are numerous cases that suggest companies do not really convert through Twitter.
2. Nobody wants to follow sales-oriented updates.
I also don't really see why people feel the need to tweet every little detail of their lives.. however twitter has other uses. For example we have long used it for sending server downtime alerts and its a popular feature with our users.

Also if anyone tweets about servermojo we can post a reply which is important since if the tweet was potentially misleading, we may need to clarify and its always good to interact with people who are or may become registered users. We also occasionally announce new features there and even ask for suggestions for future features.

Also bear in mind that anything you post there is indexed by google so include links where appropriate (keep the post short so links don't get shortened) and over time that could bring in a little more traffic to your sites.

Twitter also has a handy api which is quite simple to use so you could perhaps find ways to integrate it with your systems.
Perfectly making sense, except that there are two things to keep in mind:
1. There are numerous cases that suggest companies do not really convert through Twitter.
2. Nobody wants to follow sales-oriented updates.


Your missing one of the key elements of sales. Its called rapport. Twitter allows you to build rapport with your potiential or current customers by actively placing a face on your company. While people my not directly click through Twitter or companies cannot necessarily associate Twitter with the sale; however, there is a good change that the companies who are using it, are placing a face to staff, and their company to give customers to relate to.

When you build rapport with a customer and give them them something in common other than a server they buy easier. If use twitter the prper way, the relationship will seem as if you are best friends instead of a big scary corporation (aka Parallels).

That is why marketing genious use Twitter.
Zach, how big of a relationship (not even touching on trust at the moment since trust cannot be established over communication but through action and service) can a company build on the least interactive and functionally limited service as as Twitter?

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