Fb ads and Google ads


New member
Hello, an important question, Facebook ads from the BM, and Google ads works in the same way? i mean with same instrument and the algorithm works in the same way? thank you
I just finished an ad on Google ads. I spent $55 and only one trail run client has signed up. As part of my training when learning to develop websites, I did the Google Analytics and I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it to control my ads and where the ads appear. I am getting a lot of people over the age of 65 and that I don't want. It is hard to learn promotion Facebook, Google or anywhere really. I heard that they have ended use of the target marketing where a program aims ads at people that have been looking for the ads they send to them. That crashes a lot of advertisements in Facebook and Google. If that algorithm is still running then yes, The ads work about the same. The AI or algorithm searches for people that have researched your keywords.
Facebook is a social media platform, so the purpose of Facebook users is to connect with other people, whereas Google is a search engine. Hence, people come to google intending to search for information or product. Facebook ads work on audience targeting, and Google search ads work on search queries.
It's worth mentioning that combining Facebook ads with Google ads can create a powerful marketing strategy. Google ads are excellent for reaching people actively searching for specific keywords, while Facebook ads can help you target a broader audience based on their interests, demographics, and behavior.
The big value in both of these ad platforms is "retargeting". It's much cheaper to re-advertise to someone who has already been to your site. Get them in via one platform, retarget via the other.
It looks to me that Facebook ads do not pay off when it comes to IT infrastructure services and web hosting.
Hello, an important question, Facebook ads from the BM, and Google ads works in the same way? i mean with same instrument and the algorithm works in the same way? thank you
no they are totally different and you need a lot of training data (learning) and previous campaigns to get revenues so beware of that !
It's worth mentioning that combining Facebook ads with Google ads can create a powerful marketing strategy. Google ads are excellent for reaching people actively searching for specific keywords, while Facebook ads can help you target a broader audience based on their interests, demographics, and behavior.

So, don't underestimate the potential of Facebook ads – they can be a valuable tool in your digital marketing toolkit. And if you want to maximize your online presence, that's where a Facebook ads dashboard template can come in handy. It simplifies tracking and analyzing your ad performance, making your marketing efforts more effective.

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