Email hosting reselling


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We want to start reselling Email hosting. Which are the best providers for getting reseller accounts for email hosting? We also need to integrate it fully with whmcs, so a whmcs addon will also be needed from the provider.
In my opinion, reselling email hosting would be bit tough as we have to prevent outbound spamming from our network.

resellerclub looks good and have whmcs module which should be perfect for you.
Are you looking at providing "Exchange" email hosting, or just Linux (Exim/Postfix/Sendmail) type hosting?
As realistically you could do this from a fairly simple VPS solution, just tweak your control panel skins to hide the hosting options and disable apache/litespeed.

ConfigServer make some great anti-spam in and anti-spam out plugins for both cpanel and directadmin, then there would be far less overhead.
DirectAdmin handles IP per customer etc, which I would recommend.

If you are looking at reselling "Exchange", then OVH is the cheapest provider I know of that I would trust, but you will probably have some API programming work, as I can't see an OVH Exchange plugin for hostbill or whmcs.
We provide mail hosting for clients, but I don't think that I'd ever contemplate reselling email hosting.

The margins will be small and there is a lot of work involved in maintaining IP and domain reputations and ensuring high deliverability.

You are losing a lot of control over much of that when you start offering it as a reseller, and all it takes are a few careless or malicious users and you have a lot of cleaning up to do.
We provide mail hosting for clients, but I don't think that I'd ever contemplate reselling email hosting.

The margins will be small and there is a lot of work involved in maintaining IP and domain reputations and ensuring high deliverability.

You are losing a lot of control over much of that when you start offering it as a reseller, and all it takes are a few careless or malicious users and you have a lot of cleaning up to do.
Even for your own clients, you make very little or nothing from this, so not worth the effort
Even for your own clients, you make very little or nothing from this, so not worth the effort

Part of our whole business philosophy is about ethical hosting and we include data privacy in thtat.

For that reason we host mail for clients, because we feel that them to use an outside mail service like Google's which tracks and analyses mail content would be pretty much against everything we believe in.
You need to find a reseller hosting provider that uses premium mail delivery services such as mailchannells or mailbaby.
You need to find a reseller hosting provider that uses premium mail delivery services such as mailchannells or mailbaby.
He's not asking for hosting that offers main services, he is asking about setting up his own email reselling, but i dare say as this thread is 12 months old he will be sorted by now.
Didn't you explain to us what your email hosting requirements are?

Any reseller that uses: Direct Admin, cPanel, Plesk or any other panel listed here will work with whmcs:

+1 for MX route.

From my experience, any reseller that uses mailchannels will be ok.
If you want a better user experience, you can try reseller with too.

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