Did you custom design your site or use a template?

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Hi Everyone,

Did you custom design your site or use a template? I would love to get a custom designed site but I am just waiting to get the right one! Just curious what others feel about this.
I've done both and often end up template bashing a couple templates to get what I need. Rarely do I find a template that does everything I want.

As for waiting for the right custom design - don't wait too long. The more time you spend thinking about things the less time you're actually DOING things. Time is money. If you have a design that you want, get it done, there's a ton of places from regular design shops to freelancer.com and our sister forum - www.talkfreelance.com. If you have something in mind, do it. Otherwise while you're waiting, your competition is getting stronger.
Using a template isn't a bad thing to do when starting out, but using a highly used template so your site looks like 100 other hosts doesn't help for business.

Having a custom design is preferable if you can do the design yourself or afford to contract a designer to do it for you.
I custom design my website. It is better to make something simple and unique than having something that you will find everywere
I use template and my own code i mix it up so i can get the look i want. i buy a few script here and there and integrate them to my website and whmcs so i can help better my clients
I used a template because if I design a website it's to 95% terrible :S

That's what web designers are for :)

I design my hosting sites myself, as well as tons of other companies. I think custom designs are ideal because they can cater more toward your business and give it a unique feel.
Custom for us. templates can be very nice however. Recently i have looked at some very nice templates on the various forum sites for sale.
I have used templates and designed/coded an entire site from nothing. I think that both can be great but, if you know how to code and have some knowledge of design (or a creative friend) I would recommend a custom site. Sometimes, there is just too many limitations with using templates.
I have seen very good templates, but the problem is that you can not afford someone to use the same design copy if you are serious about your business!
I would recommend getting a template and make the customizations you wish to have.
You can spend loads of times building an excellent site design that wows everyone, but unless your attempting to get design jobs then that means nothing.
Back in 1999 when I started my company I and everyone else just made simple tables with few graphics. Everyone was on dialup mostly so simple sites where the king. I would advise you to spend the time taking care of your business like picking servers and setups and marketing strategies.
The more elaborate your design the more likely it will fail in an older browser or a text mode only browser as well. Remember some people are blind and use a screen reader to browse the web.
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