Would you be willing....


New member
Would you be willing to pay for a PHP developing program which could generate PHP code from simple dialogs.

Basically telling it what you wanted in English, without needing to know any commands or parameters can creating full php scripts, with the same amount of power as if you'd written them yourself

Please vote

i clicked yes, then saw the "depends" option.

It depends on the cost and how error free the code is.
I would love something like that without a doubt, thats what you do with most programming languages, its more like english then the computer decodes/translates that code into something the computer understands and it can then perform the code which the user wrote.

There are a number of programs like that for computer programming but I havent heard of any for PHP
Only one person voted for Depends, so you cant both of voted :p

Anyway, it would be reasonably cheap (£19.99) and would be error free because I need error free php code.
It's looking pretty good.

Has anyone used programs similiar to MMF or TGF made by clickteam? It has a code generator similar to that software, as well as dialog generating code

Plus it supports plugins which you can make to make your own quick scripts and other people can share them. IE it takes in 5 inputs, then creates a DB connection and db select db command out of it
I definately voted yes, a lot of clients are always asking if there is anyway to ......... (fill in the blanks)

From simple MySQL backup to ftp to ftp transfers, I know it's not the hosts job to teach programming but we like to help them develop so often help out, and that would be worth it for the freed up time alone. :D