With who I should go?

Paypal is most prefered over the web, but 2checkout is a great backup choice and to give your clients some choice as well.
Matrix: most people use Paypal these days just for privacy reasons... but if you are to look for an actual Merchant account I would go with Authorize.net over 2checkout anyday. I have heard many horror stories about 2checkout.com and them "locking" peoples accounts. Also with Authorize.net you know your money is in your account at the end of the day. Not being stored in an online database like 2CO. You also get lower rates with AUthorize.net. Its like 25cents per transaction then %2.8 or something.
I use paypal and 2CheckOut at the minute.
I have never had any problems with 2CO but their support is slow to respond to tickets/emails and I dont like that.
Most people use paypal plus another to accept debit/credit cards and 2CheckOut and paysystems would be two of the most popular ones for CC
John Diver said:
I use paypal and 2CheckOut at the minute.
I have never had any problems with 2CO but their support is slow to respond to tickets/emails and I dont like that.
Most people use paypal plus another to accept debit/credit cards and 2CheckOut and paysystems would be two of the most popular ones for CC


I'll go with PayPal (I'm already a Member :D ) and I'll get my Auth Account in 2 Business Day's :)

Thanks for all the thoughts!

Francisco :D
Hey Francisco -

If youre able to get a merchant account (authorize.net) its a good way to go vs a 3rd part payment processor...

At the end of the day, go with what youre most comfortable with..
Andrew said:
Hey Francisco -

If youre able to get a merchant account (authorize.net) its a good way to go vs a 3rd part payment processor...

At the end of the day, go with what youre most comfortable with..


I have chosen to go with PayPal (Because I like their Service) and my new Merchant Account :D

Thanks all!

<< Paypal is most prefered over the web, but 2checkout is a great backup choice and to give your clients some choice as well. >>

Actually, PayPal is not the most preferred on the Internet. 2CheckOut is a nice backup, but is certainly not the best. Although, yes it is always good to give clients choice - you should also accept - as well as PayPal and Credit Cards/Debit Cards via a 3rd Party account or true merchant - WesternUnion, Cheques, and so on, for real choice.

Vovex Technology, actually there are horror stories about PayPal, 2CheckOut and even PaySystems. Although, do remember, they are only horrow stories. There are hundreds and thousands of clients of each whom have no problems at all. It's only a small handful, who do not read the TOS and AUP, who break the TOS and AUP and so on whom are banned, have their accounts closed and funds frozen. However you are right, payment processing fees for any true merchant account is much less than it is for a 3rd party account.

<< 2CheckOut and paysystems would be two of the most popular ones for CC >>

Not specifically speaking. Here, and possibly at WHT maybe. Although, maybe it's because you only hear the most horror stories about them. Remember - someone who has superb support and service usually keeps their mouth closed and doesn't bad mouth a company, but 99% of the time they don't even say how good that company is, while at others points they may not know how to say that the company is good nor have the means capable of doing so, remember, not everyone knows of WHT, HT, etc. There are hundreds of places on the Internet stating how bad 2CheckOut, PayPal and PaySystems are. There is also WorldPay remember. But those may only be the most you've heard about - remember, the Internet has no volume, no land mass, so while in this part of the Internet, PaySystems and 2CheckOut may be the most popular, it won't be for the whole of the Internet.

<< If youre able to get a merchant account (authorize.net) its a good way to go vs a 3rd part payment processor... At the end of the day, go with what youre most comfortable with.. >>

It isn't always the way to go. WorldPay - they are a 3rd Party account, and they are the way to go for lots of people and companies. The American people are lucky, the Internet has thousands of Merchant accounts, yet all require American this and American that. Us people of Europe, have very little chance to do some good business due to the fact, we may have existed longer, but for some reason we're still at a disadvantage. If you're in America, yes a merchant account is perfect - it is cheap, good, and you can sleep safely at night. Although, for many others, WorldPay is the way to go due to the fact you can still sleep safe at night, the fees aren't too high, as well as the fact it's backed by a bank - The Royal Bank of Scotland.
Although, still, many people and companies choose 3rd Party accounts over true merchant accounts. I know of many registered companies who earn masses of money yet do this.