We have 3 windows servers here at work. We do not have any sort of control panel.... its not to hard through.. just create the user directory in c:/wwwroot/ create a user, set the user to that dir... and tada. We do have a web based email program called Merak mail server. Make sure you check your machine almost every other day for viruses though. We have had a lot of problems with Welchia and Nichi virus.
We have one windows server on hand at the moment but will be adding more soon since a lot of our customer prefer Red Hat over Windows and plus Red Hat will be gone by the end of the year . We use HELM control panel and so far everything looks good.
Our WINDOWS servers are colocated in THE PLANET datacenter. We are talking about UUNet, Level 3, Verio, Time Warner, Global Crossing, Allegiance Telecom and not to mention AboveNet.
This is off-topic but just wanted to let you know RH wont be gone, you can either pay for it by the end of the year or still use the free version which is just under a new name now.
I cant remember the name off the top of my head but I know its somewhere on the forum here and you can probably find a link to it at the RH site
Well WINDOWS has its own ups and downs . Not to mention it is a bit expensive to maintain but I think it is valuable in the web hosting world today since almost all hosting companies have only Linux servers and there are a lot of customers looking for WINDOWS servers
Dont your clients ask you for WINDOWS servers from time to time and if they do and you cant offer them then what do you do? refer them to other hosting companies?