WideVPS Good Review!


New member
Name and URL of hosting company: WideVPS (www.widevps.com)

Hosted URL(s): www.muezeiza.com

Description of service(s) used: Windows VPS (W3), (W5).

How long have you been using the service(s): 8 months.

Detailed review: I was afraid for some reviews I read about them when I decided my service was activated within 15 minutes and my second serve with them lasted 6 hours to activate, very good service I have never had a downtime on my server and costs of they are very good compared to other companies.

Pros: Cost, license windows free, great uptime.

Cons: Support take 2 hours or more.

Previously use appliedi.net and I prefer WideVPS :thumbup:

Happy Holidays :wave: