Why leave anything on the table for your competition?


HD Moderator
Staff member
I attended a local Chamber of Commerce after-hours party years ago where one of the discussions turned to Social Media Marketing as a business tool. An interesting point was made that prospects, cross-industry, aren’t as open to direct sales calls, but would rather search the Internet for information related to potential purchases for everything from shoes, cars, homes and restaurants to web hosting.

Now that everyone on Earth owns a cellphone (or so it seems), local search queries are skyrocketing. With so much information at their fingertips, prospective buyers are turning to the Internet for how-to articles and videos and everything in between. Do you want to be able to replace an O2 sensor on your 2004 Blazer SUV? There’s probably a video posted online of how to do just that.

It only follows that if prospects (for your products or services) are keying in search queries to find relevant information on the Internet, that you should be there. I guarantee this. Your competition WILL be there. Why leave anything on the table for them?

With content creation, consistency is key because you want your readers and visitors to keep coming back regularly. When it comes time for them to pull the trigger on the products and services that you offer, you want them to think of your business first. This relates directly to remember ability and branding.

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