Which managed hosting company has the most reliable Disaster Recovery service?


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I have had some big time problems with my current IT company and lost a significant amount data. Unfortunately, we have been having storms around here lately that caused several power outages and I really cannot afford any more lost data. Does anyone have experience with a good disaster recovery service? If you could recommend one or give me suggestions on where to find one, I would appreciate it.

First, welcome to HostingDiscussion.com. I regret to hear about your experience and I hope that people here will be helpful in your search.

I lost data before (thankfully it wasn't too much) and I know how unpleasant the feeling is. I NEVER really realized the importance of data until recently myself. One of the sites that I frequent was hacked and because they weren't keeping updates, they lost months worth of community information and data.

Incidentally, I have recently changed providers myself. The new company that hosts this forum (HandsOnWebHosting.com) has a tool that backups your site every hour. Its called R1Soft continuous data protection. The backed up data is located on a different server and in a different location.

Recently I had some problems with data loss due to a virus on my PC, and every time it would affect the FTP client, which attacked the index pages. Luckily, every time it was a matter of minutes to go back to the latest available backup, so no information was lost.

So having gone through this experience recently myself, I would highly recommend HandsOnWebHosting.com as a managed hosting company that also offers backup service. It turned out priceless when we needed it the most.

There are, I am sure, other providers who have the R1Soft software installed on their servers, so perhaps its a good idea to make the search for them. But make sure the backups are made/located off-site!
Not sure but I assume if you visit datarecovery forums and ask for the help or leave request I'm certain you will get some quotes from them
If you have failed hard drives that you need to recover data from I would suggest OnTrack. I've used them once a long time ago and they recovered everything from a failed HDD. They're generally not cheap, though.
If you need to recover the data you need to look for the data recovering services. Web hosting provider is not supporter in this situation (I men new one)
I'm not following what you're saying - some web hosting providers do offer data recovery services.
Does your web hosting provider support back-up?If yes,you can get the copy from your web hosting provider to recover data.Maybe you should pay a fee for the service.
You should try and catch your hosting provider, may be he is the right person to help you out. If not its time to switch your host too
Most of the hosting providers take backups for themselves as well as for their customers. I would suggest you to contact your hosting provider and ask him whether they have backups for your hosting package.

If not, look for a hosting provider who provides backups so that you do not face any problems in future.

If you choose dedicated servers, try to get RAID 1 configuration with the servers which would be a better option.
RAID 1 does not protect your data!

Yes, if one hard drive fails, then the other drive takes over, but that's not really a backup solution. What if a file is errased, or someone hacks the site? Then BOTH drives are affected!

If your host is not doing OFF SERVER and for that matter OFF SITE backups, then you either need to convince them of the importance of that, or move to a host that does.

It can be a little expensive for a host to implement the offsite backup features, but in the long run it's something that they should be doing for their own sanity also.

That being said, you as a user can download a backup of your site at any time, and there's many places out there where you can have them make backups of your site and store it on their servers automatically. If you need names of places to check out, drop me a PM and I'll be happy to tell you.

RAID DRIVES do not protect data!
RAID 5 is also not a backup plan. RAID 10 or even RAID 50 will not protect you if your files are deleted, corrupted or infected.

Off site backups are your ONLY protection. RAID is nice to have if a drive fails, but it's by no means a backup plan.
Enquire into both RAID - based configuration and *offsite* backups. A Coninuous Data Protection set up like R1Soft's solution is also good.
For this sort of thing I could recommend a host like NetEarthOne. they have one of the most safest infustructures I've ever seen