Which free control panel should i go with?

Out of all those I have only heard of ZPanel which was a few years back if I remember correctly. ispconfig sounds interesting though.
This threads a bit old now but I'll add my bit! The only one I've ever used is ZPanel. In brief, it was terrible. It had very limited features and didn't really seem to do anything. I shouldn't complain too much because it was free.

One thing I should mention though, I used it for a short period of time on a test server and someone hacked the user database, stole all the FTP details and replaced any of the index pages with a bogus one. Too insecure for my liking! I promptly switched to and stayed with helm.
I like Helm and with some hard work you can cover the costs of the control panel.

If I was wanting to run a hosting company I would use Helm, but if not then I would possibly test out a free CP if it was just to speed up the process of adding and removing domains etc..