Where would you go?


New member
I'm soon to be making my second trip across the ocean. Have you ever traveled to another country? After you take the poll, take a minute and say where!
I've been to the Caribbean many times. Jamaica, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, USVI(not really another country, but still). I've would like to go to France, Italy, England, Australia, and Canada sometime. I would love to go on a cruise to Europe. I'm an ocean person :)
Sweden, England, Denmark, USA, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Russia/Canada (where I live), Ukraine, Latvia, Georgia, Armenia, Cuba.
I did most of my travelling in my 20's ... so between 2 and 3 decades ago.

Toured Scandanavia, throughout Europe, completely around the Mediterranean, Japan, Honk Kong ... coast to coast and north to south in Canada ... down the east & west coast of the USA and across the south, but not very much in the middle states. Still wanted to travel more (Africa, Australia, South Asia and South America) but my body started falling apart before I could get there ;)
I have been to Canada, and absolutely loved it. We stayed in the Niagra Falls area.

Had I not completed my military obligation when I had, I would have also been to Iraq.
I've never been more than 500 km away from my home town, and never outside my country. I don't even have a passport. :(

First things first though. I should get out more and then worry about visiting other countries. :)
Wow...you guys have been to some pretty interesting places. Especially you, Artashes. Dan, you should just get up and go. Forget the small steps plan. Just go to the opposite side of the world. You'll feel good...untill you have to pay for it. ;)

I also like to travel to other states in the US (still waiting on Hawaii). All of the different areas, north, south, east, west are completely different. It's nice to see a different side of America.
I've been to Canada. I'd love to go to Mexico, England, Australia, France, Italy, and Greece. Currently, I'm staying in the United States and remaining relitively close to home :(
ReDuXsGiRl ... Where are you intending to land initially on your second journey across the big pond? :) And what time of year are you intending on travelling? How much time are you taking off?

It would be easier for some of us to give suggestions on the best places to see if we had those questions answered ;)

Personal opinion ... everyone simply has to experience a trans-Atlantic cruise at least once in their life.

And if you are coming to North America ... even though it sounds like its your second time here ... keep in mind that compared to the European countries, Canada & the US are HUGE.

A number of years ago my (ex) stepfather's family visited from the Netherlands. They had it in their mind they could stay at my parents place (north of Toronto) and take driving "day trips" to Halifax, Vancouver, the Calgary Stampede etc. Thankfully they got a reality adjustment on their flight over when well over 1/2 of their 6 hour flying time was spent over Canada ... and Toronto is still considered to be in the eastern part of the country ;)

And anyone else who is putting off travelling the world now ... thinking they can do it later in life ... if at all possible, don't wait. You never know what hand life is going to deal you. I never knew why I felt so compelled to travel so much and so extensively when I was in my 20's & early 30's ... but I am glad I did. Here I am at 51 and I pay a high physical price now when I travel much more than 1/2 an hours drive from home. So ... if you want to travel ... travel now when you know you can.

Been to 49 of the 50 states and:

South Korea
I can see a lot of people travel to a lot of places, which is great news I must say.

Ross, that is a very impressive list - I'm stunned.
Bulgaria (stunningly beautiful)
Turkey (infamous football match)
Island of Madeira (off portugal)
Ireland/Canada (where I live)
British Isles
Isle of white
Isle of man

We're going to Tahiti next year - a place i've been waiting to go to, for about 10 years.

Artashes said:
Sweden, England, Denmark, USA, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Russia/Canada (where I live), Ukraine, Latvia, Georgia, Armenia, Cuba.

youve been traveling around germany, but never droped in ? :cry:
I've been to Texas (Several different times - namely for QuakeCon :-D), Minnesota, Illinois, Washington DC, Both Dakotas, France and Mexico. Planning a trip to Canada in 2005, goin' to Niagra Falls. Embassy Suites there...the book looked firggin' awesome. Would like to visit France again in the near future and also go to Hawaii.
I think you'll like Niagra Falls, as long as you go in the Summer lol

I was there twice in the Summer, and once in the Winter (went to Buffalo, to watch the Pens vs. Sabres). We crossed the border for a night of fun, and I froze my rearend off, spent over $300 at the HardRock, and had an overall horrible experience.

The falls look awesome in the winter though.