New member
Found this little gem while scouring the net.
These are files that store the information read and used by WHM (as of 11.23.6)
These are files that store the information read and used by WHM (as of 11.23.6)
- IP addresses: /etc/ips
- Reserved IPs: /etc/reservedips
- Reserved IP reasons: /etc/reservedipreasons
- IP address pool: /etc/ipaddrpool
- Access hash (WHM remote access key): /home/user/.accesshash or /root/.accesshash
- cPanel update preferences: /etc/cpupdate.conf
- Basic cPanel/WHM setup: /etc/wwwacct.conf
- System mail preferences: /etc/localaliases
- Exim open relay list: /etc/alwaysrelay
- Server-wide max emails per hour: /var/cpanel/maxemailsperhour
- Tweak settings: /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
- Packages: /var/cpanel/packages/
- Features: /var/cpanel/features/
- User data: /var/cpanel/users/ and /var/cpanel/userdata
- Apache templates: /var/cpanel/templates/apache(1,2)
- Exim config template: /etc/exim.conf.localopts
- Exim mail IPs: /etc/mailips
- rDNS for mail ips: /etc/mail_reverse_dns
- Clustering: /var/cpanel/cluster/root/config
- Service manager: /etc/chkserv.d
- Users and their domains: /etc/userdomains
- Users and their main domains: /etc/trueuserdomains
- Users and their owners: /etc/trueuserowners
- Main cPanel IP: /var/cpanel/mainip
- cPanel version: /usr/local/cpanel/version
- Resellers: /var/cpanel/resellers
- Reseller nameservers: /var/cpanel/resellers-nameservers