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Where can you signup for an email addy @msn.com?
I cant find it anywhere, can only find a signup for @hotmail.com but dont want that.
Hope someone can help me out, want to get an address @msn.com tonight
Thanks a lot!
Hmm.. my mother has one and I was pretty sure it was right on msn.com.. unless she got it from working for them.. You sure they are free and availible to public? I can't remember..

They used to be available to the public for free. Not sure if they are anymore, think Hotmail has really taken over.

I'm not sure if they are still available, although I know they used to be available to the public for free. So, no idea why they stopped offering them?

Oh, Gordy, I know they were available to the public for free since I know some friends whom have kids who have an MSN account, and I doubt MSN started hiring child labour. ;)
MSN discontinued their free e-mail once they boughtout and redisigned hotmail with .net about 1 year ago.

The only way to get an @msn.com account now is through their dialup service.
I got it after looking through the pages and clicking about 50 links...not jokin either, checked every signup page that was linked to for a @msn.com selection option.
Cant even remember where I found it now but it was meant to be for a hotmail signup anyway.
So they are still available, even if they arent meant to be :D
Vovex Technology said:
MSN discontinued their free e-mail once they boughtout and redisigned hotmail with .net about 1 year ago.

The only way to get an @msn.com account now is through their dialup service.

Hotmail was not always owned by MSN?
I have an msn and hotmail, got the msn one a couple years ago, YOu just have to remember to log into the hotmail accounts every thirty days or you lose it, never had to worry about that with the msn one though.

Could someone please tell me how I signup for MSN but use my own email address instead of @MSN.com or @hotmail.com to use for messenger?

I already have an account with my own email but I cant remember where I went to signup..
Sorry about the stupid question :rolleyes: