Where can i buy 2 year's hosting up front

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New member
I need some space to store my moderately high storage website (high amount of sound/images). As the internet is a very unstable space and the funding for my division is run by an incompetant fool, i have around £200 ($350) to spend on hosting for two years.

Where would be the best place to purchase this?
mattfivetofour, are you looking for recommendations, offers or both?
We have many web hosting companies who can potentially provide you with a quote for what you are looking for.
If you check the web hosting offers section of this forum I am sure that you will find alot of offers that will include 2 year plans.

Like Artashes said, a little more information on what you are looking for will help you find what you are looking for.
unless i had to spend the money right now (per the "incompetant fool")
i would buy only a max of 6 months of service, what if the company goes out of business?
You can buy some quality space for 2 years with this budget and i think most web hosts support 2-year terms.

Wish you luck!
Most hosts will allow you to prepay two years of hosting. However, I would not recommend paying more than a year in advance unless you are sure the host is well established and consistently has positive feedback. :)
I agree with TJR Networks. You don't want to pay for 2 years of hosting unless if you know the host first hand. I would strongly recommend testing out the host before prepaying for 2 years.
As you have stated the business can be unstable...so why pay 2 years upfront? I'd suggest a monthly payment option to be on the safe side.

A good provider that I am with and have had absolutely zero problems is dotable.com. Bob runs an excellent service and he goes above and beyond to ensure you have quality service.
Kosta, what do you mean "it's like $350"?
Do you know the price of your own plans? What is the exact amount?
Perhaps you could answer this question in the appropriate forum, after you have read the forum rules.
I would really suggest not contracting for 2 years. the hosting business is very volatile and you could find yourself in a situation where you've paid for months of service that no longer exist.

Please be careful--look at how long the company has been around, as a starter. Companies like www.ipowerweb.com or ez1web.com are stable and should be around for the long haul, but I wouldn't signup for 2 years even with them.
Man there are so many cheap webhosting plans out there, but most of them doesn't either don't have the features/scripts or their storage space and bandwith are quite limited. I would rather spend like 10 bucks to get a good hosting than pay 5 bucks for a cheap webhosting that doesn't do any better job than those free webhosting plans.
I agree, anything above a 1 year contract is pretty crazy. Besides why would you ever want to lock your self into a contract....I like being able to switch when I want/the need arises. When you pay upfront like that, you’re stuck with that host...eh.
moderately high storage website (high amount of sound/images)

Depending on how much disk space and bandwidth you require, it should be pretty easy for you to find a web host for a 2 year contract with your budget.

Most web hosts give cheaper prices for 2 year contracts, but some don't.

I suggest you go for a 1 year contract, then pay for next year when the year is up :)
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