When do you see the most client increase?

Ours seem to come in waves - but it's usually because one "discoverer" finds out and tells a bunch of friends until that dies down.

I'm sure that it really depends on marketing strategy - those advertising/marketing through banners might see a consistent stream of visitors that yield a percentage of sign-ups.

Ours too seems to come in waves. There doesn't seem to be any certain months or anything that we grow the fastest. It really depends on the current advertising and customers. Some like to spread the word more then others.

Our growth is noticeable day by day and that's how we see it. The most important part of operation is to keep your current customers happy and satisfied with your services rather than trying to get new clients.

Always remember that keeping a current customer is much harder than getting new customers. You may loose a customer and in the same time loose 10 potential customers due to the word of month. This is also true the other way around!

Amir Golestan
It varies for us. For example this month so far we had more new signups than the entire January from last year. Augoust and christmas holidays seem to be the worst signup rate every year.
It used to be that in the colder, winter months, we grew more so, than in the warmer months of the year.
Now days, it seems to have leveled off a bit and seems like it is pretty steady year round.

It may be how we advertise, or just that more and more people are on line year round now. In the 90's, the internet would flood after people got new PC's for christmass, thus an increase in people wanting to get in on internet sales, and customer signups were up for a couple of months.

In the last 2 years, it seems about the same month to month.

Tim L
It all depends on our Marketting budget. If we have the money and we invest in a good banner on the right site, our sales can boom for that period, but usually the trickle is pretty steady.
about a month after the gsp funservers.com had been well-known for 2 months, I got a substantial boost in gsp customers. Apparently low prices arent everything.
To have a steady growth have a good sales team to market your hosting company with latest offer and clients reqirement , affilates can be one option ...

It all works when you are dedicated to work out for the growth of the company as a team :)

All the Best !!!
Amir said:

The most important part of operation is to keep your current customers happy and satisfied with your services rather than trying to get new clients.

You stole the words right from my mouth :wave:
Our new customer signups are very different from current customers signing up for new accounts. New customer signups really occur on a fairly steady basis, looking at the signups from a monthly view. Our average from month to month is about the same. It's interesting because we can have a slow week one week and then all of a sudden see a huge surge in sales the next. Current customers signing up for new accounts seems to be random - not much that we can do to bring that on besides give incentives to open a new account.

I think the thing that you have to take from this is to stick with what works and do it over and over again. If you find a marketing strategy that works, keep it up. You might change around some wording or where you are advertising, but if you find a model that works for your company, stick with it. Even if it seems that it may be dropping off, give it at least a month to make sure that it isn't just an industry slow down.