What would you like for christmas?


New member
What would you like for christmas?
I wouldnt mind a laptop :) So if anyone out there would like to donate a laptop purely for Hosting-Talk.net purposes please feel free to do so ;) hehe only joking of course.

Is there anything you would really like?
What would make my year is a nice laptop with wireless connection for my cable modem and LAN :)
Hey...I think Great Minds Think Alike :D since I want a laptop too...so yea if anyone who wouldnt mind donating me a laptop for....umm....Hosting-Talk.net puposes feel free to do so :confused: :D...joking around...
I think we are purchasing 3 new computers and another laptop for Christmas.. other than that would not mind some clothes..
I would really like some more time :)

Maybe for the time to stop for a couple of days and let me relax and play my PS2 (which I havent done for ages !!!! )
I would not mind an xBox. But I have no TV to connect to. I'll have to wait until my brother goes off to the army (not long now). Then I can use his TV.
Well, I already have a laptop and a tablet pc all wirelessly connected, so pc wise I'm doing ok.

I wouldnt mind having my desktop upgraded though. It's still a 333mhz, currently everything is done through my laptop and tablet

Althouh I think I will get it upgraded, so I dont really need to hope :)
Yeah I used to play C&C Tiberian SUn all the time online. I think one month I was ranked 11th as GDI!!

I played the new Generals release at Circuit City on one of their demo machines. I got hooked and put it right on my christmas list.
Oh, a couple more things to add to my list...

1. Money to fix up this computer.
2. C&C Red Alert 2 (mine is missing...:()
A good carpenter to come round and make me a custom built desk.....my keyboard often falls down as the desk i have is terrible