What works, what doesn't?


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I'm working with a client who has a laundry list of things he wants added to his web site: a blog, an ezine, a discussion forum. He wants to write eBooks. He wants to have an e-Course. (and yes, he can afford them, that's not the issue)

He would like me to research these things and determine which ones are proving to be profitable....and he wants to see the research. I'm scratching my head and pulling out my hair trying to find articles that say anything like, "there has been a 500% growth in ezine use," or "so-and-so reports XX% increase in passive income through his e-course."

It all seems to be anecdotal - write an ebook and make a gajillion dollars! That kind of hype.

Does anyone know of reliable sources of good solid FACTS about what's really working, what's not, what's making people money? Any sort of magazine, forum, journal, etc.?

If so, I'd be eternally grateful!
I don't want to sound rude here, because typically I would try to be helpful here, and in fact started trying to find you resources to use.

About 20 minutes into it, I realized that not only was this information a task to find, but I was in fact doing your job for you, that you were hired and paid to do.

I wish you luck in finding this information, as I have already found it to be quite a chore.
Am i able to ask why you said to this client that you could do the job when in fact it is proving very difficult for you to do?