What shared host i can use for social network start?


New member
I'm planning with my team to develop social network project, so it is time to choose web hosting company. My project will run on PHP/Mysql, using ajax.

Share your thoughts about what host must have at speed and uptime. On my own I found Host1Plus - maybe anyone knows about this hosting?
Please do not offer hostgator, bluehost, dreamhost - I and my friends already used them - they are very old, fully of clients and servers are slowly.
Any of those host would probably work, but I would suggest looking into a managed VPS if you are going to be working with social networking scripts.

You will find that some of the security restrictions of shared hosting will hamper the speed and compatibility of your site.
On my own I found Host1Plus - maybe anyone knows about this hosting?
I know that they like to spam.

Please do not offer hostgator, bluehost, dreamhost - I and my friends already used them - they are very old, fully of clients and servers are slowly.

Let me get this right.

They are old - because they've been in business for so long - and that's bad?
They are full of clients - because they've been a successful operator - and that's bad?
i suggest you better to take dedicated hosting or vps, because it's need a loot of storage to make social network.

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You can start off with a shared account however you will more then likely outgrow those needs pretty fast due to what you are trying to do. As others recommended, in that case it is advisable to look at VPS or your own dedicated server once you get rolling.
My project will run on PHP/Mysql, using ajax.
as you said.

you can go on with good hosting provider or big hosting provider that have those feature to help you out with good clients support.

you may cooperate with many good host provider hang in as well.
It is fine to start up with a shared hosting package, but I would definitely choose a provider that promotes scalability so that as your website grows and you need to upgrade to larger hosting packages and eventually a dedicated server, they can help accommodate you
you should use a shared accoount, the upgrade to a vps, you should upgrade the vps to its max, and then go to a dedicated server, when u have used the dedicated server tho you should link more togeter =)
Whomever you choose, make sure that they have a good upgrade path should you choose to jump from shared to VPS to dedicated. Find a good host that is always available to answer questions, has the flexibility to tweak server settings to suit your needs while also protecting you and the other clients hosted.
I know that they like to spam.

Let me get this right.

They are old - because they've been in business for so long - and that's bad?
They are full of clients - because they've been a successful operator - and that's bad?

You are saying that host1plus is spamming or I'm spamming about host1plus

I just want to say about others that are old and not expanding anymore, maybe they are succesfull or something. I and my friends opinion is similar to what i said. And as i know here is forum and i can post my thougts freely :) So please clarify...

Thank you who helping, but maybe anyone can tell names for hosting companies which you offering? Thank You
My opinion is, If a host oversells then their a bad host. Overselling is lying and lying is bad.

These companies oversell so their bad: hostgator, bluehost, dreamhost. They may offer amazing support and service but as long as they oversell they will always be a bad host.
You can certainly start out on shared hosting and then grow as needed into a VPS or dedicated. Ask the companies that you're talking to if they can easily migrate you from shared hosting to dedicated solutions? Some hosts would force you to set up from scratch on an upgrade, which of course could bring problems with PHP / MySQL versions, Apache configs, etc. Ideally, if you want to start small and upgrade, you'll want to deal with a provider that can help you make it as "plug and play" as possible.
they are very old, fully of clients and servers are slowly.
I see old and full of clients as positive reflections of providers. If their servers are slow, that's an indication of mismanaged overselling which is less than desireable.

What sites did you have hosted with these providers?
A shared web hosting plan is the last one you should think of.Since you are planning to launch a social networking website, you are bound to receive high traffic gradually.But, you cannot predict it as to when your site would receive high traffic. Imagine if your site is hosted on a shared server and there is traffic to pooling in and your sites goes slow, for sure it would affect the visitors, they would simply leave your site and hunt for a faster and better performing website somewhere else. Therefore, it is recommended that, you either opt for a medium ranged VPS with over 512 MB RAM or a starter Dedicated server.
Yes a VPS sounds good for social networking. A regular hosting may have issues with a social network site just because it may get lots of traffic so you may want to look into a VPS.
Yep, a VPS is best at the start and when your social networking grows big, then get a dedicated.

Shared hosting will definitely be unable to support your site.