What kind of bandwidth are you pushing?


New member
Anyone here pushing 50-100Mbps? More?

What are you hosting? How are you doing on profits with all that bandwidth? Who are you hosted with?
We're doing about 1500Mbps-1600Mbps now a days out of one of our colo locations.

Another is looking at pushing about 1-2Gbps within the next few weeks. :party:
It is getting dirt cheap at the Gbit level on a month to month. I noticed this offer from fdcservers.net. How low can it go?? However it is new customers only, according to sales@fdcservers.net :-(

Colocation special #3


10Mbit dedicated $249/month
50Mbit dedicated $799/month
100Mbit dedicated $1499/month
500Mbit dedicated $6499/month
1Gbit dedicated $11900/month

1U of space $19.99/month
month to month - NO CONTRACT - yes even for the 1Gbit
Hi all,
This is my first post here. I have been through here numerous times. This forum is great.

I have 3 sites.

One is pushing 3 gb per month (free forum community type site, no hosting related forums) 7 months old
another is pushing 1.5 gb per month ( free howto article site) 5 years old
and the last just started up a couple days ago. ( pay site)

I was hosting my own site but got screwed around by the hosting company I dealt with.

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LeaseWeb said:
Currently 900 - 1000Mbps.
Will be growing by at least 30-50Mbps / month.
Well but I take a look on your speed test your upload speed is only 125-160 kbps

and I'm conected to XO here
Hmmm.... FDC Servers. They seem to be getting better (by how much, I don't know yet) from when they were XO / RCN / Cogent now that they have Level3 / WilTel. However, I have heard of some pretty interesting tactics that they use with their "shared 100Mbps" dedicated packages (you can get a 1Gbps handoff for $999 incl. a P4 3.0Ghz) by where you can use as much bandwidth as you want incomming - but they cap you at 10Mbps outgoing if you start to actually use a significant ammount of bandwidth which might affect their margins.