What is the most advanced thing you can code?


New member
What is the most advanced thing you can code?
What language do you code it in?
The most advanced thing I could do would be some kind of program, can do almost anything really for exe programs using delphi but programs have a LOT of variables so you have to account for many things that could differ, its mainly all thinking that you have to do for program coding I think rather than doing the actual source.
Working with sockets (for the internet and connection to other computers) would be the most advanced thing I can do I think.
have been working on a program for over a year which is on sockets so I have learnt a lot from that
Unfortinatly I can't code much of anything, never took the time to study in anything alot yet, will in the future when I get to university, study something with computers.

Only things I can code/script are mIRC, PHP, HTML, CSS and that is about it.