what is the market place


You can post advertisement threads on HD for FREE, but you need to keep in mind these rules:

NOTE: You require 14 days of active membership and 25 relevant and quality posts (non-value added posts with sole purpose to increase post count will be deleted and infraction issued) Web Hosting Forums and Operating a Web Hosting Business before starting a thread in this forum.
Unlimited space/bandwidth offers are NOT allowed.


Rules for the VPS forum
thank you gal and can you do it in all forums,my main interest is advertise hosting plans but that is not allowed or is it?
Again, you need 14 days of active membership and 25 relevant and quality posts in the following categories: Web Hosting Forums and Operating a Web Hosting Business. Then, you can post in VPS, Dedicated & Colocation Server Special Offers to advertise your company. Advertising is ONLY permitted in the marketplace.

Unfortunately, the posts that you add to this thread will not count towards the 25 posts you need. That's because I moved this thread to HD Announcements, Help and Feedback, which is the most appropriate forum for this type of question.

I hope my explanation helped. Oh, and, I'm not a girl. ;)
So here HD Announcements, Help and Feedback is the place where I can post hosting vps plans advertisement?

i mean 4 free?
So here HD Announcements, Help and Feedback is the place where I can post hosting vps plans advertisement?

i mean 4 free?
No, vpscheaper, that is not correct. Your attempt to spam threads in the Web Hosting Forums category has failed. We want QUALITY posts. It's not too much to ask.
well those was the matters that I wanted to find out i really dont care if those are bad quality posts all i care is that it was the matters i wanted to find out and i wont publish them in other words because i dont like to vanish peoples ego
With the time and effort you invested in this thread, you could have already set up a signature (which begins to establish yourself in the community) and added your thoughts to 25 threads on HD. That's what everyone else that posts advertisements in the marketplace has done and it doesn't really seem to be that onerous a requirement.
well those was the matters that I wanted to find out i really dont care if those are bad quality posts all i care is that it was the matters i wanted to find out and i wont publish them in other words because i dont like to vanish peoples ego

If those were the matters that you really wanted to find out about, you would have addressed them in a more descriptive and a more respectful manner - to members who would have spent time answering them diligently and in full.

Instead, all those posts were:

- no longer than few words long
- posted within no more than 60 seconds from each other
- posted with total disregard to actual forum placement
- posted in language that was difficult to understand

How would you have managed such activity on your forum? Here, we treat it as an attempt to spam through the clearly outlined policies in order to earn the right to conduct business via our marketplace.