What is a good colo in mid-country?


New member
We are looking for some colo, maybe somewhere in texas or further north. We have looked into a few bit the costs were pretty high and any type of on hands support results in fees over $100 and up.

Anyone know of any good reliable ones?
If you're looking for dead center of the US, here's a few in Nebraska - http://www.datacentermap.com/usa/nebraska/omaha/

I've personally used both the CoSentry Omaha dn the CoSentry Midlands facilities before. The Midlands facility is one of the very few datacenters that operate with a 6 nines performance (99.9999%). I've never had ANY issues at their location.

If you're going for Texas area, Softlayer and CoLo4Dallas are two that I've used and continue to use.
Well, our budget isnt $100 obviously lol. We just dont want to have to pay such high hands on support when there is a problem.

I think my Boss found a place out at Vegas that looks good but we are still shopping
I was with Colo4 before, and they were good. However, they seems a bit rigid in principles.

The one I can recommend is ColoGlobal. It's the sister company of Cartika. They just moved out from Colo4 to Databank, and started providing colo service. Andrew runs a great shop over there, check them out.
Guys were gonna try Lavs Vegas, Some killer deals out there. SO we will see how it goes! Thanks for all feedback