What if main company goes out of business?

I have had this happen to me when I was on the customer side of the fence. Purchase a hosting plan, get a website going and then, poof! Overnight the company is gone and so is my website. The reseller that I bought from was just as dismayed as I was and didn't know what to do next.

Any advice for preventing or dealing with such a situation (for the reseller)?

Go with established resellers who stood the test of time and this will not happen to you.
Go with a big enough provider. Small operations can go poof. Bigger ones, usually just go bad, not completely disappear. With the company still there, while service will be bad, the servers are likely to be up most of the time, facilitating a relatively smooth move to another provider. One needs to keep an eye on how the company is faring though. Usually, it is a merger or a sale that brings drastic, sudden changes.

Agree. we should look for the root of evil inside us, so when the company we resell fron disappears - this is our fault that we went with unstable scammers, and not anyone else's.

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