What does it take to be an advisor at HostingDiscussion.com?

Hi 1AsianChic.
btw, what does it take to be an advisor in hostingdiscussion ?

It's sort of like the Hellfire club. The ways and reasons for getting in are so secret and exclusive that only 3 people in the World are privy to it. I don't even know myself. It just materialized.:D
1AsianChic said:
btw, what does it take to be an advisor in hostingdiscussion ?? :D

Well, its a bit off topic, so I'll be brief. Usually, it takes great knowledge and experience within the industry. It takes willingness to serve members, help them out. It takes big enthusiasm to lead communities forward. Be a good example. Lots of little and big things. Things that the HD management take into account when inviting people for such positions within this forum or outside.

Hope this answers your question.

1AsianChic said:
well what does it take to be an advisor for ...ummm ahh...ummm "General Discussion" forums ??? :D

There is no such position as Advisor for some specific category, especially General Discussion, since because HostingDiscussion.com is primarily focused on web hosting.

An HD Advisor covers the whole community (here comes flexibility requirement). ;)
