what do you think of my latest site?


New member
Hey Fellow Posters!

Just launched a new image rating site!! www.pimporgimp.com it's more for submitting pictures of your automobile but is not limited to it..

is the name catchy? i think it should do well! i hope anyways =)

Any critique would be nice

also note am working on skinning the forum so dont mind that mess =)

Long time no see.
Good to see you back :)

Domain is very catchy and will be very easy to brand, especially with pimp my ride being so big right now (Well in Europe it is anyway).

Site design is good.

Good luck on the site :)

Thanks Jonh =)
yah im back to the forums... got a good web design job here locally and it took alot of my free time.

BTW John i like the new fresh look of rnhost!
I was thinking that i might pay someone like $10 to put up dummy images/account to make it look bigger.. but what worries me is would i get in trouble? =) i dunno..
What kind of trouble could you get into?
it's your site, you are incharge so you can do whatever you want really :)
If you want to have people putting up images at first to get the site going then there is nothing wrong with that, there is no difference between someone posting images and not getting paid and someone getting paid and posting more.
It would be different if it was effecting your income in regards to advertising or something like that, for example if you were paying someone to post the images and you were getting paid by advertisers per page/image that is posted.
That's just IMO though, others will have different ideas.

With your type of site, an image rating site, I don't see any problem with it though :)

The site is very good looking, I think you should change the font for the poll though so it is the same as the font on the other parts of the site.

The forum doesn't seem to have any problems either..

The domain is very easy to remember :)
Yah... Never host with odeonweb.com as they are always down. It should be back up within 48 hours as now i host with someone different. sorry about that =\