What do you think of hosting design?


New member
Hi HD members,

For us very important the opinion of others (positive, negative) because it's the only way we can evolve.


Programming, User interface, Appearance, etc.

In advance thank you very much for your comments! :)
Thank you very much!

Yes, the logo now make another version:) Featured image in the post I will update.

Thank you for the comments, were helpful in this!
Just running across this now. Take this just for what it's worth, one person's opinion of course.

The design itself, not bad. The content though? You need to take a look at that.

To begin with, you don't want your customer scrolling down three to four times to get to the end of the page. You lost my interest, and my money. Keep it short, simple, sweet. You've got way too much going on, and those damn thumbs up images look ridiculous . If I have to scroll down more than twice to get to the bottom of your page, there's a problem. I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this.

Where you actually have text paragraphs, those are centered. They shouldn't ever be. That should be reserved for headline text only. You need to align those to the left, as they should be.

Your blog is not hosting related at all. Lose it, or lose the non hosting related articles.

Again, just my 0.02
The overall the design is ok,

The loading speed is good, less than a second for each page.

The only issue I have is the lack of pictures.