What day do you choose to bill clients?


New member
What day do you currently choose to bill clients on. The datacenter I host with bills me on the first of each month and I have paypal subscription payments that occur on several different days of each month. All in all I am finding it a bit difficult to deal with the payment cycles this way since I am a bit delayed on collecting money from clients. What do you all currently do? Are you prorating people if they sign up on a certain day or just doing the same that I am?
I make my clients pay once every month with their second due date one month after the signup date. The only prorations I give are refunds.
I use whmAutoPilot and the client's due date is the day they signed up on. Subscriptions are automatically created with 3rd party payment processors like PayPal and 2CO
I'm loving the new prorating feature in ClientExec! The datacenter and most of my advertising venues bill me on the 1st or 2nd of the month, so I have all clients prorated to the 28th of the month which gives the CC merchant account plenty of time to process the payments into my account before all of the bills hit. Plus, I don't have to worry about running invoices every day of the month.

Works great for me ;)
As FP mentioned, I also charge on the first of the month. It makes everything sooo much easier...

...and yes the prorate feature in CE was long overdue and invaluable...
I charge customers every month or year on the same day they sign up. Haven't had any complain about this.
I currently use ClientExec billing either monthly or yearly, invoices are sent the date they signed up, + a year or a month, which ever the customer wants. Works well. Yealy payments are the best I would say, they pay and you don't have to worry about it for a year :).
Stick said:
I currently use ClientExec billing either monthly or yearly, invoices are sent the date they signed up, + a year or a month, which ever the customer wants. Works well. Yealy payments are the best I would say, they pay and you don't have to worry about it for a year :).
It is funny that you say that! For some reason I like the idea of a yearly payment but not the reality of it. I rather have a set amount coming in every month! It allows me to work with a proper budget knowing exactly what I receive every month. That is just me!
TheReason said:
It is funny that you say that! For some reason I like the idea of a yearly payment but not the reality of it. I rather have a set amount coming in every month! It allows me to work with a proper budget knowing exactly what I receive every month. That is just me!

I agree with you! It's great to have all the income, but you soon realise it's not that great in real life, and it is much MUCH better to know what's a more stable monthly income so you can calculate your costs and see what profit you are having and you can purchase more enhancements for your clients ;).

Glad to know that I'm not alone....hehehe. It's also easier to manage a business this way!

Well, I just find it easier to get the payments out of the way, I suppose it's easier on the client aswell so they don't have to worry about it every month but, hey, thats just the way I see it, we all run our business's differently :D
Yea, I actually disable paypal subscriptions (recurring payments) to give the users more of a reason to pay yearly or even every 6 months.