What Countries Do You Accept Orders From


New member
Not sure where this goes, could be legal and it could be billing/accounting related.

What countries do you accept orders from? Are there countries you will accept orders from on a case by case basis or countries that you refuse to do business with due to fraud related issues?
We only accept orders from countries where the customers have a useful way to pay us. This obviously excludes countries like Iran which are embargoed and don't have paypal or other means to pay online. Not that we have received any order from Iran anyway...
And for all other countries - all orders are manually reviewed and either accepted or rejected. We have seen our share of bad apples from almost every country.
We have a handful of places that we do not accept orders from. Often this includes places like Thailand, Nigeria and several other high-risk countries. The person from those countries never even get to our website/order pages as the countries are blocked in IP Tables to start with. If they use a proxy, that raises a red flag on our end too in the manual verification process.

There's also a number of countries that we (as a US Business) are prohibited from doing business with due to the US Treasury Embargo Restrictions. Some of those countries include Sudan, Syria, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, etc etc. For a list of counties prohibited by the US Treasury, check out - http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Pages/Programs.aspx
There are exceptions to the sanctions, but it requires government approval and extra paperwork.
Thanks all for the info. We have been fortunate to have only a single issue, however I am trying to tighten things best I can. Do not want to leave money on the table, but definitely do not want to have to deal with a bunch of issues either.
Just be aware of the embargo status on some countries. This goes for people doing business in the UK and Europe - there are countries that you are fobidden to do business with, and is punishable by the government for breaking that law.
Being based in the US, we can't accept orders from countries under current US sanctions. We also block orders from certain high risk countries such as Nigeria.
I accept orders from all countries, however EVERY order is manually 'fraud' checked. Furthermore, we have had a few orders that have bypassed our automated fraud checks and during our 'manual fraud' scan we found that the account was fraudulent such as names, emails and business names not matching on PayPal accounts and payments and the information entered into the system. We also have an issue with people setting up servers and hosting accounts using our company initials or domain name.. ie.. ats.someserver.com, etc. This is an indication of fraud, cause they can't be creative and chose something else.
Not sure where this goes, could be legal and it could be billing/accounting related.

What countries do you accept orders from? Are there countries you will accept orders from on a case by case basis or countries that you refuse to do business with due to fraud related issues?

I know that Fastnext accepts orders for all countries ( Asian and African countries as well). I think it doesn't matter it which country you are living, if you need hosting services, the hosting provider should give you the right to put your site online. Another thing is that if the site is hosting illegal contents or spaming, then this site can be closed immediately for AUP violation. If you see that the company site is something like warez.com or something like this, you may prohibit this user to buy hosting from your company when you see the hosting order of this person.
We accept orders from all countries...as long as they pay we dont care whewre they are:)

So you are in Florida,USA. Yet you have openly admitted you are breaking US Treasury Embargo Restrictions

There's also a number of countries that we (as a US Business) are prohibited from doing business with due to the US Treasury Embargo Restrictions. Some of those countries include Sudan, Syria, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, etc etc. For a list of counties prohibited by the US Treasury, check out - http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Pages/Programs.aspx
There are exceptions to the sanctions, but it requires government approval and extra paperwork.
Not sure where this goes, could be legal and it could be billing/accounting related.

What countries do you accept orders from? Are there countries you will accept orders from on a case by case basis or countries that you refuse to do business with due to fraud related issues?

We will do business with countries that are not on the United States Federal Trade Embargo List, however we do retain the right to refuse service to any one from any country, at any time.

We do accept orders from all the countries. It's just that the customer should be able to pay us and provide us with all the details which will be verified. If we receive any abuse complaint against any customer, we investigate it and if the customer is found guilty then we suspend his account and ask him to move his hosting to other provider.
If we receive any abuse complaint against any customer, we investigate it and if the customer is found guilty then we suspend his account and ask him to move his hosting to other provider.

depending on the complaint we

1) suspend the account.
2) suspend and give a 7 day termination notice.
3) terminate without notice.
We do provide our hosting plans to the EU customers mainly, though reseller and VPS plans available both for EU and US markets.