What can I code [Again] ?


New member
Well I have to code something again only this time I have to do an application...
If anyone has any ideas of a useful program that a lot of people would use let me know :)

Want to do something that people will use again so try think of something that you or others would use a lot and that there arent many alternatives to :)

Hope someone can help out!
Reminder kind of system - put in reminders, events you need to do, set options like how often to remind, whether it reoccurs, choose a way of notificaion etc. then it wil ldisply messages and things. Also you can see what things are coming up tommorow, in the next week, things you've missed etc.

Scheduling System - an easy way to schedule events better than windows scheduler, with more control. Be able to set events like auto shutdown at 9pm or auto lock computer using the API at 11pm or whatever. Set daily, weekly etc. Run programs, display messaes, system events and so on

A macro system would be nice too. Simulate mouse and keyboard movements from recorded. Loop, set variables etc.
I have an Idea for your John,

and application that can talk to linux servers (specifically web hosting) do manual backups of your server to be saved to a certain space on your personal hard drive. That way hosts that can not afford to pay for backups can manually do them on their home machine routinely.

Or how about an application built to manage billing for hosting (people that do not run billing software on the server because they prefer it locally)
Thanks for the ideas gamescreation and Jonathan :)

I like your idea of the schedule program gamescreation but I dont think it would be advanced enough.
It has to be something pretty advanced that can be expanded on a lot.

I really like both your ideas Jonathan, could be a challange to do the coding for downloading to allow resume etc. etc. something that can really be expanded.

I also like the local billing solution which I think a lot of people would use and a lot could be added onto it.

If anyone has any other ideas please add them in a reply :)
Thanks again gamescreation and Jonathan!