WebHostMakeOver - Have any of you signed up for it yet?

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New member
Hey Guys,
I know this is a little delayed but I was reading through my PingZine and I found the ad about WebHostMakeOver
I was wandering how many of you have signed up for this opprtunity or are planning on signing up (if I had not tryed the host thng 2 times already I would in a heart beat.)

Thought this could be interesting discussion - maybe the future winner of the WHMO contest would be a member from here.

(Note: Web Host Make OVer is a contest where host right a brief little essay on why they should be the next winner - What you win is http://www.webhostmakeover.com/sponsors.html (that is a list and rummor is there could be more) :)

:) I appologise if there is a thread already on this - I am new and am looking forward to being an active member of this forum.
Blue said:
I would love to sign up for it but Canadians are not allowed.
I just read that... I am sure that is for legal purposes or something like that...
Never know what will happen if they do it agian..

I was looking through the site more.. this is just soo perfect for host wanting to have what the big guys have.. (The next hit TV Show ;-) )
The contest is in the judging phase so I can't enter, but thanks for the link, I never heard of PingZine and just subscribed... looks like an informative magazine.
Why are Canadians excluded out of so much? grr.. heh.. ahh well.. very nice offer though and the magazine looks interesting..
Good job guys I never knew about the contest so I never entered but let us know how you do from it. I wish they had stuff like this when I first started would have made things a lot easier I can tell you that much.
nice concept but I'm not so sure I like the idea all that much. When you work hard for something, you appreciate it more, than if it was just given to you.
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