Special offer for hostingdiscussion users:
Disk Space: 1GB
Bandwidth: 20GB
Maximum parked & addon domains: 3
Sub Domains: 15
MySQL Databases: 6
PostgreSQL Databases: 6
POP3/IMAP mail boxes: 25
CGI, Perl, C, Python: Yes
PHP5 scripting: Yes
Control Panel: cPanel
Daily Backups: Yes
Uptime SLA Guarantee: 99.9%
Server Location: Interxion's London Datacentre, London, England
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Yearly price: £15 with 50HOSTING coupon to get additional 50% OFF from normal price
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Disk Space: 2GB
Bandwidth: 40GB
Maximum parked & addon domains: 6
Sub Domains: 30
MySQL Databases: 12
PostgreSQL Databases: 12
POP3/IMAP mail boxes: 50
CGI, Perl, C, Python: Yes
PHP5 scripting: Yes
Control Panel: cPanel
Daily Backups: Yes
Uptime SLA Guarantee: 99.9%
Server Location: Interxion's London Datacentre, London, England
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Yearly price: £30 with 50HOSTING coupon to get additional 50% OFF from normal price
Order Now: http://www.web-project.co.uk/clientarea/order.php?step=1&productGroup=5&product=13
Disk Space: 3GB
Bandwidth: 80GB
Maximum parked & addon domains: 9
Sub Domains: 60
MySQL Databases: 24
PostgreSQL Databases: 24
POP3/IMAP mail boxes: 100
CGI, Perl, C, Python: Yes
PHP5 scripting: Yes
Control Panel: cPanel
Daily Backups: Yes
Uptime SLA Guarantee: 99.9%
Server Location: Interxion's London Datacentre, London, England
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Yearly price: £60 with 50HOSTING coupon to get additional 50% OFF from normal price
Order Now: http://www.web-project.co.uk/clientarea/order.php?step=1&productGroup=5&product=2
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Have any questions?
Email: customer.service@web-project.co.uk with your sales inquiries.
Disk Space: 1GB
Bandwidth: 20GB
Maximum parked & addon domains: 3
Sub Domains: 15
MySQL Databases: 6
PostgreSQL Databases: 6
POP3/IMAP mail boxes: 25
CGI, Perl, C, Python: Yes
PHP5 scripting: Yes
Control Panel: cPanel
Daily Backups: Yes
Uptime SLA Guarantee: 99.9%
Server Location: Interxion's London Datacentre, London, England
Free £75 Google Adwords Coupon*
Yearly price: £15 with 50HOSTING coupon to get additional 50% OFF from normal price
Order Now: http://www.web-project.co.uk/clientarea/order.php?step=1&productGroup=5&product=1
Disk Space: 2GB
Bandwidth: 40GB
Maximum parked & addon domains: 6
Sub Domains: 30
MySQL Databases: 12
PostgreSQL Databases: 12
POP3/IMAP mail boxes: 50
CGI, Perl, C, Python: Yes
PHP5 scripting: Yes
Control Panel: cPanel
Daily Backups: Yes
Uptime SLA Guarantee: 99.9%
Server Location: Interxion's London Datacentre, London, England
Free £75 Google Adwords Coupon*
Yearly price: £30 with 50HOSTING coupon to get additional 50% OFF from normal price
Order Now: http://www.web-project.co.uk/clientarea/order.php?step=1&productGroup=5&product=13
Disk Space: 3GB
Bandwidth: 80GB
Maximum parked & addon domains: 9
Sub Domains: 60
MySQL Databases: 24
PostgreSQL Databases: 24
POP3/IMAP mail boxes: 100
CGI, Perl, C, Python: Yes
PHP5 scripting: Yes
Control Panel: cPanel
Daily Backups: Yes
Uptime SLA Guarantee: 99.9%
Server Location: Interxion's London Datacentre, London, England
Free £75 Google Adwords Coupon*
Yearly price: £60 with 50HOSTING coupon to get additional 50% OFF from normal price
Order Now: http://www.web-project.co.uk/clientarea/order.php?step=1&productGroup=5&product=2
Need more information?
Have any questions?
Email: customer.service@web-project.co.uk with your sales inquiries.