Web Hosting Company


New member
I want to start hosting websites and kinda have an idea of what I need to do. The thing that I was not too sure about was DNS. I want to be able to assign a DN to the people that want to host a site on my server. I was wondering who I would register the name with. Then I would have to put that name on the list of a DNS that I woluld have to own and link the ip to my servers? If anyone can help me out it would be great just some pointers.
If you have a Server or Reseller account, you only need to provide your Clients with your Nameservers. They would then provide these Nameservers to their Registrar and their site will work.

I wanna just figure it all out first. I am taking a linux sys administration class and networking class in High School and just wanted to see if I could get a better idea earlier.
Normally if your dealing with a reseller account you request 2 ips that you want to use for a virtual dns. This virtual dns can be branded to fit your hosting company.
As hysteria said if it's a reseller plan you'll probably be given your own NS. If not, then what you'll do is go to your domain registar and create the records. They usually have a place to do this and a good FAQ. You'll have to IPs and then you enter them in and register them. That's just a quick setup outline, but I think you could take it from there.

It's my advice in this situation that you make sure you know what you are getting into at this point. Running a sucessful business requires not only good technical knowledge, but good business sense and skills as well. It's not something to 'get rich quick' nor is it something that can be learned and implemented overnight.