We need a dedicated server ASAP


New member
Hi to all members,

First we want to thank you the fantastic tool we discovered in this forum, i have read several post but anyone can reply my dubts. Also we want to apologize for my worst english. I'm from Spain.

We need the best dedicated server ASAP, i read several topics, and i know this question isn't so especific, so we try to explain my problem.

We need a Dedicated server with 8 or more IP's, with the Best Support. it doesn't matter the machine, since celeron, to a pentium. The choice will be for the best support / price, and if could be with a 24/48 hs setup.

I have a problem with the support team from my dedicated server company, and i want to change to another that can be able to reply a ticket in time (now i have replies from 5 hours or more).

Price is important, but support it is more.

Thanks in advance
Best support we ever had was with Servint.com. Never waited more than 20 minutes, but usually lot less. Their servers are a bit expensive.

Also, you can try Theplanet.com
tx for the reply Grafiti.

Yes it is a little bit expensive, but they are offering
Pentium IV 2.4 GHz / 1 GB RAM / 120 GB 7200rpm IDE Hard Drive and 200 GB Data Transfer.
If they can give us a celeron 500 ram and 60 gb i hope the price could decrease.

Any more options?
I think that you would find what your looking for faster if you post in the requests forum as well since members are not allowed to advertise their products here.
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