Wannabee well I never..


New member
Me wants to be no stinkin wannabee <--- gotta keep posting so I can be past the wannabee level. I wanna be anything but a wannabe sniffle sniffle.
Er...take a look again, Freckled. You're a "community supporter". No "wannabe" anything anywhere in sight!

What *are* the levels, anyhoo? I notice that I just moved from "Just Joined" to "Intermediate", probably at 50 posts.
Maybe increments of 50. I think when Freckled posted this he must have went on a posting frenzy to get out of being a wannabee so now it doesn't say it, lol.
That's ok. I do it all the time too. I was really a wannabe when I wrote it add saw that John had the contribute page up and I knew I could change it that way. :lol:
:lol: Hehe
Im a wannabe :(
Not sure if I was before or not though, just noticed I have 150 posts also
So when am I out of the wannabe stage?
Its already my homepage :D
oh Stephen, only 48 more posts and you will be past the wannabe too. Just keep posting topics and I will keep answering them. :lol: