vps hosting

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I bought vps hosting yesterday and I'm not sure was it a good idea. What do you think about vps hosting? Would you suggest it?

thanks and advanced.
VPS are the best servers which are better in security and reliability than shared servers and if you have any problem regarding hosting package then contact your web host without nay hesitation.
Whether it is a good idea or not depends on the intended use for that VPS.

What did you buy it for?
I bought vps hosting yesterday and I'm not sure was it a good idea. What do you think about vps hosting? Would you suggest it?

thanks and advanced.

A VPS has some advantages. For one, you have your own IP address that is not shared with others. For companies and non-profits, this can be important to ensure your site isn't lumped in with a porn or hate speech (or whatever) site on a shared server. Black lists will often list an entire server, by IP address, and your site gets caught up in that.

A VPS also allows you to configure your slice of the server in a particular way. You can tweak the MySQL settings, update PHP to the newest version (or keep an older version), enable caching, etc. You have much more control over the environment than you do on a shared server.

If you are hosting just one site, and you are on a VPS that isn't on a crowded server, you will have a much faster site than on a crowded shared server. But a lot depends on how much memory and your share of the CPU on your VPS. I noticed a big improvement moving my sites to a VPS from a shared environment, but my VPS has 1GB of RAM and 2 cores of the processor.

On the other hand, shared hosting allows you to periodically "burst" your requirements for CPU and RAM to a far greater extent. A shared server with 8GB of RAM would allow your site to use much more RAM than a VPS with 1GB. But only if your "neighbors" on the shared server are not using the RAM first!
Do you know how to manage your VPS yourself? If you aren't familiar with the OS and how to manage it, you are probably better off with shared/reseller hosting
I bought vps hosting yesterday and I'm not sure was it a good idea. What do you think about vps hosting? Would you suggest it?

thanks and advanced.

Why do you think it may not have been a good idea?
Would I suggest VPS hosting - Yes, every day of the week for the right applications. What are your requirements?
VPS hosting provides many advantages over a conventional Shared Hosting option. If your website represents your business, it is recommended that website is available as often as possible, and that it responds in a timely manner and is not associated with sites containing illicit or explicit content. VPS Hosting gives you more control, more power, more reliability.
Yes yes yes and yes! VPS/dedi hosting is (provided you chose the right provider) a lot better than shared. OpenVZ platforms allow for over-selling however most good hosts won't abuse this. XEN VPS supposedly can't, however it's been proven that over-selling is possible.

What do you intend to do with it? I remember when I got my first VPS, I had little knowledge in how to run one so I just ran Apache and php (no mysql) Now I'm very happy that I took that 'leap' as VPS hosting has been a lot more reliable than my other shared hosting providers (One lost my data, and the other had terrible loading speeds (this was I/O related due to mass over-selling.))

If it's simply for a website, a VPS could be good, though you may be paying more for something you wont fully use. If you also plan on using software such as PPTP/OpenVPN, Shoutcast, Teamspeak 3, backup storage with FTP and so on, you'd without doubt have done the right thing!

Hope my post has helped, and if you have any questions about virtual private servers, feel free to post/PM me and I'll happily help (:
Performance wise surely a VPS is better than shared. The downside is you will have to install everything you need by yourself but there are some control panels which you can use like webmin.
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