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Virtual Dedicated Server - 600 GB Space, 10 vCores, 10 GB Guaranteed RAM $54.00 /mo
Boonex Hosting | FlatRateHost's Virtual Dedicated Server technology combines the the freedom and best features of a dedicated server … The guaranteed resources of your virtual Server, such as the memory, are not shared with other Virtual Servers. In other words, you will always experience excellent performance and speed.
VSERVER PREMIUM (Free Domain Name for Life with 12 month plans!)
$54.00/ mo (£33.00 | €40.00)
600 GB Storage Space
10 vCores CPU Power
10 GB Guaranteed RAM
20 GB Burst RAM
Type: Virtual Dedicated
Full Root Access: YES
Own Dedicated Server Environment: YES
One Static IP 1: YES incl., up to 3 more possible
Traffic: 100 Mbit/s flat rate.
View more Virtual Dedicated Servers
Boonex Hosting | FlatRateHost's Virtual Dedicated Server technology combines the the freedom and best features of a dedicated server … The guaranteed resources of your virtual Server, such as the memory, are not shared with other Virtual Servers. In other words, you will always experience excellent performance and speed.
VSERVER PREMIUM (Free Domain Name for Life with 12 month plans!)
$54.00/ mo (£33.00 | €40.00)
600 GB Storage Space
10 vCores CPU Power
10 GB Guaranteed RAM
20 GB Burst RAM
Type: Virtual Dedicated
Full Root Access: YES
Own Dedicated Server Environment: YES
One Static IP 1: YES incl., up to 3 more possible
Traffic: 100 Mbit/s flat rate.
View more Virtual Dedicated Servers