Valour Network - Looking for hosting - Browser Game and MMORPG server

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I am Adrian401, Elder , Elder401, EldeREve, you decide the nickname because that isn't a problem, call me Adrian.

I am the owner of Phoenix Network (Down now), of Cabal Phoenix(MMORPG server-down now) , of Galactic Wars(browser based game- down now), of Trinity Dev Team (we aren't togheter anymore) and much more projects. Also I am a moderator on the biggest mmorpg server development forum (ragezone). I can prove if you are interested beeing my host sponsor..

Current active projects
: Browser Based Massive Multiplayer Space Simulation Role Playing Game - Using free hosting - Flash Movie: and a Cabal Online Private server which is running on my PC (so it is not online 24/7 because of that and it is still in beta but I don't have any hopes to launch it on my PC.. )

Future Projects: MMORPG Cabal Private Server - Official Game Website:
Moving Trinity Wars to a better web Host
Earning money from our websites, improving our designs and sharing profits with our future sponsor.
Other browser based games (as Mafia Wars, Pimp..)
Social Engine Website (this is a future plan like in a couple of years from now)

What am I looking for?
A very good web hosting service(lots of bandwidth , not to much web space, 24/7 online,Unlimited MySQL databases
Unlimited Email, addon domains,parked domains... ) or a VPS(having lots of Bandwidh) or a Dedicated Server (has to have a big amount of RAM because of the cabal private server or another solution is to have 2 servers , one with linux, one with windows.. or two VPS). :thumbup:.

Web Hosting Service: We need MySql databases , 3 GB(max) webspace and a big amount of bandwidth for the Browser Game Server . Unlimited MySQL databases, Unlimited Email, sub domains, parked domains...

VPS: If you want to offer a VPS hosting service , we will use it for our Browser Game (Trinity Wars) which can be currently found here: . It dosen't need high spec., just lots of bandwidth as we expect lots of players (because of some past experience)

Dedicated Server: This would be big, and may bring to our sponsor some big amount of money in time. We would use a dedicated server with 5GB+ of RAM for a Cabal Private Server.

What will I offer for any of the above?
We will be providing advertise space for the company/provider of the sponsor.
Your banner (120x60, 240x120 or 468x60) and links everywhere on the website, credit page, contact page, in-game and on ads. Giving you money everytime I get donations or players buy ingame items or other services. At first all money will go to you until I will be able to pay for your hosting service :twocents: You can choose where to insert you banners and ads, your name and links. As you would be our sponsor , we will consider you as co-owner of this network, Valour Network.

So .. if you can offer webhosting or VPS or a dedicated server hosting then please contact me ASAP. I will pay your hosting in time. We will keep in touch and you will have all the adversting you are looking for on my websites.

I hope there are some webhosting companies interested

By PM on this forum.

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I AM SORRY because the game is going down from time to time because of my free hosting. If you are interested please keep trying to view the website because it will come up ... I am currently using the hosthelpers service .. they are good, very good but they are going down from tiem to time and I am using them just because they have a 10 GB of bandwidth and SQL connection is fast

I need a web host sponsor fast :(
I was busy today. I am checking my e-mails right now

Ok I've answered to your e-mail. Thank you for being interested in our little projects, I am looking forward on working with you if possible.

Thank you again,
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It seems that Charlie R working at SHFHosting is our new sponsor. Thank you very much Charlie and I hope we will work fine together.

If anyone else is coming with offers or wants to help our projects in anyway, you can still contact at the email you can find on the first post. But don't forget we wont let Charlie down for anyone... web hosting offers aren't accepted anymore for the moment. :smash:

Good day everyone :D

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