User's Guide on How to Get Sponsored Web Hosting

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Staff member
Valued members,

This is a brief summary of how one can get a free hosting sponsorship for a web site.

First of all, you have to remember that there is no such thing as free lunch. When posting in this forum you CANNOT expect any company to give you free hosting in exchange for nothing. Web hosting is like any other business, it costs money to providers and in order for you to get them interested in sponsoring you - you need to present value to them.

Value can be classified as either putting their banners on your web site or text-links, doing some work for them, etc.

Most importantly, you have more chances of getting somewhere if you already have an established web site with some traffic on it.

Be honest and tell them what you need the resources for and, most likely, some companies will get interested in such partnership.

Stats Presentation.

When you present web site statistics, it is adviced to use Unique Visitors or Page Views as meaningful stats data. A "Hit" is the most meaningless indicator of site traffic.

Good luck,
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