UptimeVPS - Worst Host Encountered

Liam D.

New member

A few of you might have probably read my post about RubyRingTech. That host hosts my hosted sites data, and there are no problems with them. This review is in no way affiliated with their service, and focuses only on the UptimeVPS company (just to avoid confusion).

Name and URL of hosting company: UptimeVPS (uptimevps.co/.info)
Hosted URL(s): www.rocketslice.com
Description of service(s) used: UT-128 Yearly ($10/yr)
How long have you been using the service(s): 2 Months
Detailed review:

These guys are rip offs. Although I don't blame them for the super-obvious $10/year shady promo (I only bought that for a small site anyway), they are jerks. First of all, when I newly bought the VPS, my IP pointed to xxx.your-server.de (obviously I was on a Hetzner-based node). Then I noticed in the WHMCS Support Ticket section in secure.uptimevps.co that there was an "RDNS Change Request" department, so I submitted a request. They replied within 24 hours, saying they changed it to main.rocketslice.com and I should wait for 24 hours. Guess what, 1 week has passed and the server still points to xxx.your-server.de (xxx cause I forgot the real server name), and all e-mails are still going to Spam Folders (I asked RDNS change to avoid that in the first place).

Second, I submitted another ticket with them. My hard disk was full, while I was only hosting a MyBB-based forum, plus a static HTML homepage. They answered again within 24 hours, saying it is fixed. Then it is. But, during that 24 hours, MySQL failed to make socket connections, thus leaving my forum down in the dirt.

Third, I submitted YET ANOTHER ticket with them. (Take note that these events happened in 3 weeks time) The server was down. I submitted tickets about their servers being down like, 5 times that week. It was too horrid.

Now, UptimeVPS.com/.co/.info won't load, so I can't pay for invoices or get more support, plus I can't login to http://solus.uptimevps.info/ for managing my VPS. My VPS remains up however, but I HIGHLY CONSIDER the fact it being destroyed within this month (considering that the main site and login URL is down, I consider this host dead)

And now, for the last part of my review. Right now, I am trying to get a backup for my VPS. Obviously SolusVM won't work (as their Login URL is down, as stated above) so I wanted to tar up everything and backup the SQL Databases. I am using NginX and PHP-FPM with MySQL 5.5 on the server, and guess what. Memory usage (via free -m) Used: 132M, Free: 105M. But I can't do any function. SSH always times out and disconnects, so does connecting via HTTP and FTP (I have Pure-FTPd in it too)

If ever these guys get back up, NEVER EVER EVER go with them. Although I have to admit it was partly my fault for going with a "so-cheap" $10 a year VPS plan which was very shady.

Pros: Absolutely none that I could think of.
Cons: My entire post explains it all.
Would you recommend this company to your best friend? NOT EVEN TO AN ENEMY.
Yes, they are in the DeadPool now, no real chance of coming back. There were several lenghty discussions about them on LowEndBox and LowEndTalk.
Ah well, they are gone now.

Tons of companies dying all the time, or is it just the school boys wanting a quick buck and can't deal with the work!
They failed on me, that's why I will never pay for vps host only again, or for the time being. Until a reload comes, or a better company comes out there, but using other than PayGol SMS.
No fun

Thats always unfortunate when a small company loses out to the bigger corporations. Maybe these smaller sites are just school boys that dont want to do any work. Who knows
Companies like this often start with good intentions, but realistically the prices that they offer are too cheap.
The only way you can offer services this cheaply is to pack too many people onto the same node.
By packing too many people onto the same node, their customers start to see performance issues and either leave or complain.
Once they are overwhelmed with complaints it will spiral and their service deteriorates.

You do see many hosts from LowEndBox disappear all of the time, because many of these hosts fit the pattern above.
Companies like this often start with good intentions, but realistically the prices that they offer are too cheap.
The only way you can offer services this cheaply is to pack too many people onto the same node.
By packing too many people onto the same node, their customers start to see performance issues and either leave or complain.
Once they are overwhelmed with complaints it will spiral and their service deteriorates.

You do see many hosts from LowEndBox disappear all of the time, because many of these hosts fit the pattern above.

you also just need to look at ebay and see how many hosts offer Master reseller accounts for $2 a year or 3 yrs for $5 and if you ask these so called hosts a simple question about Dedicated IPs or DNS they dont have a clue what you are on about.
A lot of these people who go out of business had no business plan to begin with. They also probably go into it without enough capital to sustain themselves until they break even on costs.

Also makes me wonder if these companies fold around tax time. It's basically an easy out, they do their LLC/Sole Prop taxes, see that they got out more than they put in, and decide to call it a day.