Ubiquity 15GB / 130GB @ $24.95/month - Unlimited Domains - Crontab, SSH, and more!


New member

Ubiquity is offering our completely UNIQUE hosting environment up for resellers. Any successful business owner knows that in an industry as saturated as web hosting - only the innovators survive. To compete against 10,000+ competitors, your company doesn't just NEED any edge - it needs several. Don't be just another number with a bland cPanel stock install - offer your customers something original! A few of the unique features include

* Jailed shell
* Direct Crontab Access
* ASP.NET on Linux - mod_mono (we've even been recongized by Novell, Inc for this!)
* Real-time Graphs
* ClamAV AntiVirus updated NIGHTLY!
* Integrated Script Auto-Installer
* Feature-rich InterWorx Control Panel


You get Control!

* Access sub-account control panels
* Manage user allocations and features
* Custom nameservers (ns1/ns2.yourdomain.com)
* Monitor all information regarding sub-accounts
* Unlimited domains, subdomains, FTP, Email, and databases!


Signup Instantly!


Ruby - $24.95/month
- 15GB Data Storage
- 130GB Monthly Transfer
Signup Now!

Emerald - $34.95/month
- 22GB Data Storage
- 180GB Monthly Transfer
Signup Now!

Sapphire - $49.95/month
- 32GB Data Storage
- 250GB Monthly Transfer
Signup Now!

Diamond - $74.95/month
- 42GB Data Storage
- 350GB Monthly Transfer
Signup Now!

Kryptonite - $99.95/month
- 52GB Data Storage
- 500GB Monthly Transfer
Signup Now!


Contact Information

web: http://www.ubiquityhosting.com
e-mail: sales [at] ubiquityhosting (dot) com
toll-free: 1-866-GET-UBIQ ext. 1
international: +01.312.281.5101


1st Contact: Mike Gazzerro
Office: (312) 281-5101 ext. 501
e-mail: mike (dot) gazzerro [at] nobistech (dot) net

2nd Contact: Corey Northcutt
AIM: UbiquityCorey
MSN: coreynorthcutt@hotmail.com
Office: (312) 281-5101 ext. 302
e-mail: corey (dot) northcutt [at] nobistech (dot) net

3rd Contact: Jake Mertel
AIM: UbiquityJake
Office: (312) 281-5101 ext. 401
e-mail: jake (dot) mertel [at] nobistech (dot) net

4th Contact: Clint Chapman
AIM: UbiquityClint
ICQ: 149459479
Skype: UbiquityHosting
MSN: blahrus@hotmail.com
Office: (312) 281-5101 ext. 111
e-mail: clint (dot) chapman [at] nobistech (dot) net
