Too many Ips?

Verify why they need them! You need to justify it to your uplink anyway.

Then it's on a case by case bases. We've had users request the entire block 254 IPs, and we've had user request 5. In each case, they need to justify the needs, most of it was to do with SSL Certificates etc.

Ask them why they need them, the answer could be legit. Maybe they've moving from another hosting company and they need a large block to accommodate their existing SSL certs.

I know when we moved datacenters many years ago, we purchased 50 servers with 32 IPs on each one. We had to justify each, but since they were legit requests, we had no problem.
IPv4 addresses absolutely need to be justified, but at what quantity should you query IPv6 addresses? We get lots of queries asking for ridiculous amounts of IPv6 addresses.
ipv6 anything over a /64 for a single server because asking for more than that on a single connection breaks the whole design IPV6 was made for so I would suspect its fishy

18,446,744,073,709,5 is plenty :)
Justification on the usage of IP addresses is highly recommended to avoid spam and network abuse. We are always strict at them before we provide bulk IPv4 addresses to new clients.
With IP addresses, there has to be a need for them, there has to be justification, because the end result, is that the justification has to go back to ARIN, who provides IP addresses to datacenters and hosts throughout the world.

Perhaps the client is doing some sort of dedicated hosting or will be running VPS machines from a dedicated server. With our dedicated servers, we can use anywhere from 10-50 IPs one 1 individual server, for VPS machines and some VPS machines need multiple IPs for various reasons. So, you can actually utilize alot of IPs for just 1 dedicated server.

Just make sure that your client provides justification and you supply that to your hosting provider as well. This is a requirement, not just for you and not just for your host, but it comes from ARIN, who provides the IPs to everyone, they must have that for every single IP that is assigned to everyone.

Good luck with your business!
Depend how much IP and justification. If too much, we will advise them to apply the ip by their own. Application and ip fee are cheaper than monthly fee.
Its an old thread but it interests me.
I have seen many Onshore companies limiting their IPs to maximum of 3 IPs per server only. DO they provide more IPs when asked in personal.
Normally when client requests extra IPs, depending on the client and time spent with that client, we use to ask the reason for these extra IPs. Tell them about our company's TOS and that their server will be suspended immediately in case of misuse.
I think huge number of Hosting companies do limit the number of IPs they provide to a single server. I have seen multiple providers limiting their IPs to maximum of 3 or 5 IPs per server.
Its an old thread but it interests me.
I have seen many Onshore companies limiting their IPs to maximum of 3 IPs per server only. DO they provide more IPs when asked in personal.
Normally when client requests extra IPs, depending on the client and time spent with that client, we use to ask the reason for these extra IPs. Tell them about our company's TOS and that their server will be suspended immediately in case of misuse.
I think huge number of Hosting companies do limit the number of IPs they provide to a single server. I have seen multiple providers limiting their IPs to maximum of 3 or 5 IPs per server.

depends on company. I have 12 IPv4 IPs on my main server and only have 4 currently unused.
Most set up before SNI become available and when an SSL needed a dedicated IP.
I am from the old school and still prefer an SSL to use a Dedicated IP.
But now with SNI I am finding a lot of VPS providers only giving out 1 IP and then charged upto $5 for additional IPs.
Most of the times, I've seen SEO provider do ask clients to purchase dedicated IP address to improve their website's position in search engines but its not completely true so its better to ask for the justification about IP address usage. :)
when a client request too much IP's it's always a good idea want to know more... In our days you don't need more than one or two IP's, except for special services or client with specific needs. Most of the time it's just for phishing or spam.
when a client request too much IP's it's always a good idea want to know more... In our days you don't need more than one or two IP's, except for special services or client with specific needs. Most of the time it's just for phishing or spam.

Yes in general a server would require 2 IPs for the nameservers, but before SNI if you had 50 accounts on your server and each 1 wanted an SSL certificate then each account needed its own dedicated IP. If a client asked for more than 1 IP then they needed to justify why, which is s till the same if a client asked for an IP then they need to justify why they need 1

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